I visited Robert W. Lansdon and found his situation a critical one (though of sound mind) and would terminate in death I requested him to make any wish he had known as to the disposition of his property and the raising of his children and he stated that he wished his debts paid first and after that he wished his wife to have the farm and all the real and personal property to enable her to raise the children which property was to be her for the above purpose during her widowhood
S. Y. Bigham (Seal)
The undersigned were present and state that Robert W. Lansdon made the same statements to us about the disposition of his property and that he wished J. J. Roach would become his Executor in carrying out the above wishes.
J. J. Roach
C. L. Keating
State of Tennessee )
Carroll County ( December Term 1855
At this term was produced the noncupative will of Robert W. Lansdon in open court and the same was duly proven by the subscribing witnesses and ordered to be duly recorded of which the above is a copy test.
W. H. Graves.