I Lucy Kirk of the County of Carroll and State of Tennessee do make and
publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all
former wills by me at any time heretofore made
First And first I direct that my body be decently intered at the grave
yard near C. J. Kiles in said County in a manner suitable to my condition in
life And as to such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to intrust me with I
dispose of the same as follows First I direct that all my debts and
funeral expences be paid as soon after my decease as possible out of any moneys
I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of my Executor
from any portion of my Estate real or personal.
Secondly. I give and bequeath unto my beloved nease Mary E. Kirk who is
nearly blind and very needy to wit the note or proceeds when collected I hold
against C. J. Smith amount and interest to be expended in part to purchase
for her a good common brood mare suitable to her condition in life the remainder
of said amount to be expended for her as her guardian or representatives may
think proper.
Thirdly I desire to have my grave and and my mothers enclosed with
pailings in a plain manner out of the proceeds that may remain.
Fourthly I will and bequeath unto my beloved Brother Nathan Kirk the entire
remainder of my Estate as he is very neady and have a large family.
I do hereby make order and appoint my esteemed friend G. W. Humble Executor of
this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I Lucy A. Kirk the said Testator have to this my will written
on one sheet of paper set my hand & seal the 23rd of September one Thousand
Eight hundred and fifty nine.
Lucy A. Kirk (Seal)
Signed sealed and published in the presence of us who have subscribed in the presence of the Testator and of each other.
Wilson Nesbitt
Thomas Williams.
State of Tennessee )
Carroll County ( At the term 1859 said
will was probated and ordered to be recorded of which the foregoing is a copy
W. H. Graves Clerk