In the name of God Amen. I James B. Jones of Carroll County Tennessee being in good health and of sound mind and disposing memory but knowing that death is certain and the period of its arrival altogether uncertain do make ordain and constitute this my last will and Testament In manner and form following (to-wit) It is my will that my Executrix and Executor hereinafter to be appointed to sell any portion of my estate which they may deem proper for the payment of my Just debts. It is my will that my estate be kept together and managed by my wife Elizabeth G. Jones and my sons Legrand M and Silas P. Jones to the best of their ability and all the proffits arising from the estate to be vested in such property as my Executrix and Executors may think proper. It is my will that all my children be kept together and supported and Schooled out of my Estate and when either of them marry my wife Elizabeth G. is hereby authorized to loan them such property as she may deem proper. First having it valued by three Judicious naghbours and at the marriage or death of my wife the whole of my Estate real and personal I wish divided equally between all my children (to-wit) Legrand M; Silas P. Paul S., Moses A., Abraham C, Isaac W. James and Elizabeth A. and the child with which my wife is now prignant each one that has received property either accomiteing for it or returning it for distubution. I lastly do hereby nominate and appoint my wife Elizabeth G. and my two Sons Legrand M. and Silas P. Jones Executrix and Executors of this my last will and testament: hereby revoking all other wills by me made. In Testimony whereof I have set my hand and affixed my seal this 7th day of September 1836.

James B. Jones (Seal)

Signed sealed and delivered in presents of
Robert Hurt
B. B. Black
William Y. Fuqua.

State of Tennessee )
Carroll County ) December Term 1840.

The last will and testament of James B. Jones Decd was this day produced in open court and the Execution there of was duly proven by the oathes of Robert Hurt and William Y Fuqua two of of the Subscribing witnesses there to to be his act and deed of the said James B. Jones and ordered to be recorded.

A Copy Test Y. W. Allen