I Thomas Johnson of the County of Carroll and State of Tennessee being weak in body but of sound mind and memory (Thanks be to Almighty God for the same) do make and pubish this my last will and testament. 1st I will that all my just debts that shall be owing by me at my death together with my funeral expenses be paid out of my personal property. 2nd I will that the residue of my personal property together with all my real estate be and remain as it now is during my wife Nancy's life or widowhood excetping the mill and my part of them may be sold to the highest bidder. 3rd. I will that if any of my single sons shall marry during the widowhood above named that they shall have as much of my personal property as has been given to those who have already left me. 4th. I will that at the expiration of said widowhood that all my estate bouth personal and real be equally divided among all my lawfull heirs making those who have not recd. anything if such there be equal in amount to those who may have had share -
In testimony of which I hereunto assign my name after having my seal fixed this July 24th day in the yeare of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.
Thomas Johnson (Seal)
Isaac Harlan
Allen Williams
State of Tennessee)
Carroll County) August Term 1839
This day the last will and Testament of Thos. Johnson was in open court proved byt the oaths of Isaac Harlan & Allen Williams and ordered to be recorded.
A Copy Test
George Hern Clerk
By J. R. Smith D. C.