In the name of God. I Isaac Johnson being of sound & perfect mind do make and publish this my last will & Testament in Manner and form following to-wit. First I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife after paying my funeral expences Just debts - the kand and plantation where I now reside & all the slaves to wit Peter Violet Jiles William Carroll Winsey Harriet Harry Betty & Juliaan to have and enjoy the same during her life or widdowhood & all the stock and perishable property now on the plantation to have & to make use of the same during her life & if she should be in need of a horse she has a right to call on any of the heirs who has one or make use of it as she pleases & at her disease or marriage all my estate of any kind whatsoever to be divided among my lawfull heirs share and share alike. My desire is that the money on hand or loaned out to be used in payment of the land above mentioned subject to the controul of my executors & also my executors to have power to make a sale of any my perishible property if they think advisable to meet the payment of my debts (the word widdowhood entered before signing. And I do hereby constitute and appoint my two sons Thomas Johnson and John Johnson my Executors to this my last will & testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this twelvth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred & thirty eight.
Isaac Johnson, his mark (Seal)
Signed and Sealed in presence of Thomas Nunn - Jno. K Clark.
State of Tennessee)
Carroll County Court) Novr. Term, 1838
This day the last will & Testament of Isaac Johnson deceased was produced in open court & the execution thereof was duly proven by the oaths of Thomas Nunn & John K. Clark subscribing witnesses thereto as being the last will & Testament of said decedent fer the purposes therein set forth whereupon Thomas Johnson came into open court & entered into bond as Executor of the will of the said Isaac Johnson, decd. whereupon he entered into bond in the sum of Ten thousand dollars with Allen Johnson & Henry Johnson Jur where he toook the oaths the law directs.
A Copy Test
George Hern Clerk
By J. R. Smith, D. C.