I Jonathan Moore of the County of Carroll and state of Tennessee do make and publish this my last will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made, first I Direct general expences and all my debts to be paid as soon after my death as possible Out of any moneys that I may die possessed of on debts due me in in the several Merchants firms (viz) J. D. Moore & Co., J. J. Moore and D. Moore and Company and in case of an insufficiency to discharge my just Debts the balance to be paid out of my part of my Joint purchase by said firm. secondly I loan unto my beloved wife Sarah T. Moore during her life time or widdowhood my jour feather Beads & furniture and all the rest of my household and kitchen furniture the use of my land and plantation whereon I now live all my plantations utensils1 Weavers loom five negro Slaves viz Jorden Cruchen Solomon Mary & Warrers three choice cows and clves one Bay Horse and sorrel mare two thousand pounds of pork and eighty Barrells of corn all my fodder and shucks on hand for my familys years provision, the rest of my stock of hogs and sheep I loan as above stated also my new clock thirdly my mare by the name of Sophia Adkins and my colt by the name of John Bell It is my desire for them to be well taken care of untill the said John Bell becomes grown and then sold unless my Executor should think it most advisable to sell them sooner so let it be at his discretion, fourthly all the rest of my Perishable Estate to be sold that has not been above mentioned and and hereafter disposed of, fifthly after the death or marriage of my beloved wife if before my youngest child comes of age or at that time (as the case may be) now to be plainly understood if my wife should marry before my youngest child becomes of age, then I give and bequeath to be Equally Divided shear and share alike unto my Beloved Wife Sarah T. Moore My daughter Martha J. Moore and my Daughter Susan Angeline Moore all and every part of the above named property Land excepted to them and their Heirs forever - Sixthly after the death or marriage of my said beloved wife I give and bequeath unto my two daughters to be equally Divided Between them all my lands Not meaning heare to deprive my wife of Dows in Lands if she should marry. Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint Samuel J. Nesbit my executor. In witness whereof I do to this my Will sit by hand and seal this the 27th November 1838.
In the Sixth time J & D Moore and Interlined with D & g before executed also the word wifes above the twenty Sixth line from the top.
Jonathan Moore (Seal)
Signed sealed published in our presence and we have subscribed our names here unto in presence of the testator the days and years above written.
Isaac Kirby
Jacob Humble.
This State of Tennessee )
Carroll County Court ( January Term 1839.
This days the last will and testament of Jonathan Moore was prduced in open court and the execution thereof was proven by the oathes of Isaac Kerby & Jacob Humble as and being the last will and testament of the said Jonathan Moore for the purpose therein contained which was ordered to be recorded.
A. Copy Test
G. Hern Clk
By J. R. Smith