State of Tennessee
Carroll County
Being weak and low in body but sound in mind I John Carter do make and ordain this to be my last will and Testament In the name of God Amen Art. 1st I will that all my just debts shall be paid 2nd. My plantation whereon I now live, I will to my wife Rebecca Carter during her life or widdowhood 3rd At the expiration of either I will the said plantation to my son Johnathan & him to pay to the rest of my legal heirs Collectively one hundred dollars 4th All my other property I will to my wife Rebecca So long as she continues my widdow or during life should she never marry except the reverse of good economy should appear & property be in a waiting Cituation in either case. I allow an equal divission take place among my Children makeing my wife Rebecca equal with any one of them. 5th. I will that part of my property that falls to my son William K. Carter to him dureing his natural life and then to the heirs of boddy. 6th. I also will that part of my estate that falls to my daughter Nicy G. Kee to her dureing her natural life and then to the heirs of her Body. 7th I will that part of my property that falls to my Daughter Eliza J. Montgomery to her dureing her natural life and then to the heirs of her boddy & should she die without bodily heirs I allow her part to be equally Distributed among the rest of my heirs. 8th. I will that my son Johnathan shall be equal with the rest of my heirs in all perishable property. 9th I will that in case of my son Johnathan dieing without bodily heirs I allow one half of his estate to my daughter Tabitha C. Carter & the other half to be equally divided among the rest of my heirs. I allow my wife Rebecca Carter and my nephew Alexander Carter to execute this will in confirmation of which I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 2nd day of July 1832.
John Carter (Seal)
Robert B. Porter Jur
George Cherry Jur
Phinehas Holmes Jur
State of Tennessee)
Carroll County Court) September Term 1832
Then the last will and testament of John Carter was this day produced in open court and the execution thereof duly proven by the oaths of Robert B. Porter George Cherry and Phineas Holmes the Subscribing witnesses thereto to be the act and deed of the Said John Carter for the purposes therein contained and ordered to be certified for Registration and on motion of Rebecca Carter and Alexander Carter the executors named in the said will who took the oath required by law and together with George Barker and Cullen Mc Mullen their Securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the Sum of two thousand dollars conditioned as the law required. It is therefore ordered by the court that letters of their said executorship be granted to them on the estate of the Said John Carter deceased.