State of Tennessee)
Open Court Carroll County)
This day came into open court James Tarpley and Elizabeth Hicks and have proven in open court the following words or prepositions as being the noncupative will of Liddy Jarrett deceased they and each of them expressly state and swear that she the said Liddy Jarrett at or a few days before the time of her death which took place sometime about the 25th day of July 1827, Stated left and devised to one Malinda Christian by a noncupative will or by her word that She the Said Malinda Christian sometimes known by the name of Malinda Cormack should have and was entitled to one feather Bed & furniture One cow and calf and the Wearing appearal of her the said Liddy after her death which took place a verry few days after making this disposition, the aforesaid Malinda Christian hath been raised from her childhood by the said Lyddy Jarrett, they and each of them state that they have at various times heard the said Liddy call over the foregoing articles and state that they belonged to the said Malinda Christian.
James Tapley (Seal)
Elizabeth Hicks (Seal)
her mark
State of Tennessee)
Carroll County Court) December Session 1827
The above noncupative will of Liddy Jarrett, Decd. Was this day produced in open court and proven by the Oathes of James Tapley and Elizabeth Hicks to be the act and deed of the said Liddy Jarrett, for the purposes therein Contained & ordered by the Court to be recorded.
A copy Test
Edward Gwin, Clerk.