I Samuel Jamerson do make and publish this as my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made.
First I direct that funeral Expences & all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any monies that I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of my Executors.
Secondly  I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas H. Jamerson one negro boy named Alge and one hundred acres of land off of the Horn tract one horse saddle & bridle Ten or twelve hogs one bed and bed stead one cow & calf.
Thirdly  I give and bequeath to my Dughter Susan S. Darnall and her bodily heirs two negro girls one named Emely who has a child and the other a boy named Jordon two horses one bed and furniture six or eight head of hogs two cows and clales reserving unto Thos. H. Jamerson and M. W. Sedberry six hundred and twenty Dollars worth of the above property or of her proportional part of the estate providing that John D. Darnell should fail to pay the same debts they are bound for.
Fourthly I give and bequeath to my daughter Martha J. Sadberry two negro girls Crease and Caroline and bed and furniture two head of horses six Eight or ten head of hogs Two cows & calves.
5th.  I give and bequeath to my grand child Robert Murphy Two negro girls Jane and Francis one of which has since give off has died to be made equal with the other children in the advancement with the exception of the horses and I want him at the age of fifteen years old to have a horse saddle and Bridle with seventy fie or an Hundred Dollars.
Sixthly  I give and bequeath unto my son Robert L. Jamison Isaac a negro man and Waid a negro woman two horses ten or twelve head of hogs two cows and calves
Seventhly  I give and bequath unto my Daughter Victoria Jamerson two negro girls named Sarah and Milla and to be made equal in the other advancements with those who have received the same.  I give and bequeath unto my two
Eightly.  younger children Patrick H. Jamerson and Samuel Jamerson to P. H. Jamerson I give negro boy George and to Samuel Jamerson I give negro girl Manena and to receive the same advancements of those having reced the same Any my wife to receive the abve property during her natural life or during her widowhood or untill they above named children should become Twenty one years of age then to go to the children.
It is also my will and desire that after paying all my just debts that the balance of my property shall be equally divided among all of my children taking into consideration the advancements heretofore given off and receave by the children receiving them.
Lastly.  I do hereby nominate and appoint I. R. Hawkins Thos. G. Aven Albert G. Hill my Executors In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this the 2nd day of May 1860.

Samuel Jamerson (Seal)

J. F. Townes
W. R. Hamer