Henry Tate's Will

I Henry Tate of the County of Carroll and State of Tennessee do make and publish this my last will and Testoment hereby revoking and making void all and any other wills by me at any other time made. first I direct that my funeral expences and all other debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of money I may die possed of or may first come into the hands of my Executors..Secondly I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Polly Tate all the property of any discription personal and real that I may own & possess at my death to have possess and enjoy during her natural life and at her death all the property she may be in possion of to be equally devided a mong my three Children (viz) Jesse Tate Lemuel Tate and Mary Tate. Thirdly should either of the before mentioned children die previous to the death of my beloved wife then and in that case the property to be equally devided between the Servivors. Lastly, I do hereby nominate and appoint my beloved wofe Polly Tate and my friend Wm. Tharpe my Executrix and Executor to this my last will and Testament.

In witness whare of I do this my will Set by my hand and seal this 29th day of October 1842 signed sealed and published &c in our presents and we have subscribed our names in presents of the Testator
John F Algea, James Mc Mullen

Henry Tate (Seal)
his mark

State of Tennessee)
Carroll County) September Term 1844

This day the last will and Testament of Henry Tate Deceased was produced into open court & the Execution duly proven by the oaths of John F Algea & James Mc Mullen the subscribing witness, and ordered to be recorded

A Copy Test
Y. W. Allen, Clerk.