In the name of God Amen.
I Henry Parsons of the County of Carroll and State of Tennessee do make this my last will and Testament. First I desire that after my deth my body be decently burried. 2nd. I desire that all my Just debts be paid and that all my loose property be sold to do the same and after my depts are paid I desire and requst that all the remainder of the amount of property be divided among all my children. 3rd. This land I live on I desire that my son Cetrel Parsons shall have at the age of Twenty one years that is when he becomes Twenty one years old I want you Erven to make him a deed to the land when he gets Twenty one years old. I don't want you to turn Thomas Hampton off untill Cetrel is Twenty one. If Cetrel wants to come and live on the land let him do so this is my will the same as it I had a pen and ink to write it down though I am too fare gone to do it and there is witness plenty here to prove it.
William Suggs, Richard H. Crider, James G. Hampton) January Term
This day the last will and Testament of Henry Parsons, Decd. was produced into open court and the Execution duly proven by the oathes of William Suggs & Richard H. Crider two of the subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be recorded.
A Copy Test
Y. W. Allen Clk.