I Reddick Hilsman of the County of Carroll and State of Tennessee being weak in body but of sound mind and disposing memory do make and publish this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all other wills heretofore made by me.
First.  I give my body to the dust from whence it come and my soul I commit into the hands of Almighty God who gave it.
Second.  Such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life I dispose of the same in the following manner and form.
Third.  I desire all my Just debts to be paid.
Fourth.  I lend to my wife Mary A. Hilsman the tract of land on which I live being the same deeded to me by Sampson Williams with all the lands I own adjoining said tract during her natural life or widowhood and at her death or marriage I give the aforesaid lands and premises with all the land I have adjoining said tract together with all the appertinances thereunto belonging on in any wise appertaining to my two Sons John H. Hilsman and Bennet T. Hillsman.
Fifth.  I lend to my wife Mary A. Hillsman the following negroes to wit Mike Joseph Henderson Isham Stephen (the shoe maker) Charity Cherry Margaret Olive and her two children Jenny & Louis during her natural life or widowhood and at her death or marriage I give the aforesaid negroes with all their increase to my three Daughters Emely A. Mitchum Martha A. M. Hilsman and Sarah Jane Hilsman to be equally divided between them according to value.
Sixth.  I give to my wife Mary A. Mitchum absolutely my bay mare my colt My horse Brutus and four choice mules also one Buggy and harness and choice wagon two yoke of oxen all my stock of cattle on my home farm (except two cows and calves)  also forty head of stock hogs three thousand pounds of pork all of my stock of sheep all of my plantation tools on my house farm and all my house hold hold and kitchen furniture except two feather beads & furniture also one hundred barrels of corn and fifty bushels of wheat Six Stacks of oats and three Stacks of blade fodder also two thousand and six hundred to dispose of as she may think proper.
Seventh.  I give to my two sons John Hilsman and Bennet T. Hilsman the tract of land on which Bennet T. Hilsman now lives know as the Hamel tract the same Deeded to me by Chares Hamell together with all the lands I own adjoining said tract to be equally divided between them according to quality and quantity.
Eighth.  I give to my son John H. Hilsman the following negroes to wit William Nelson Novel Jiney and her children Spencer and Needham Mary and Sarah also two thousand six hundred Dollars which money he has received also one horse bridle and saddle one feather bed and furniture one cow and calf and one sow and pigs which he has also received.
Ninth.  I give to my son Bennet T. Hilsman the following negroes to wit Nathan Jesse Richmond Betsy and her two children Viney and Moses Caroline and Artimesy also two thousand six hundred Dollars which money he has received also one feather bed and furniture one horse bridle and saddle one cow and calf one Sow and pigs which he has received.
Tenth.  I give to my daughter Emely A. Mitchum the following negroes to-wit George Daniel Jane and her three children (Henderson Loucinda and Alice) Adeline and her child Charles and Calvin but this bequest is not to interfere with the division that has taken place of the negroes that were in the possession of Amely A. and Albert B. Mitchum in the lifetime of said Albart B. Mitchum.  I also give to my daughter Emely A. Mitchum one thousand and six hundred Dollars one horse bridal and saddle one feather bed & furniture one cow and calf one sow and pigs.
Eleventh.  I give to my soninlaw Spencer Bomer the following negroes to-wit Lucinda and Alfred one horse bridle and saddle one cow and calf one feather bed & furniture the aforesaid property has received by the said Spencer Bomer.
Twelfth.  I give to my daughter Martha A. M. Hilsman the following negroes to wit Jasper Allen Stephen Julia and Ely and their increase also Two two Thousand Six hundred Dollars one horse bridle and saddle and cow and calf one Sow and pigs and one feather bed and furniture.
Thirteenth I give to my daughter Sarah Jane Hilsman the following negroes to wit Marsillus David Jephtha Anjeline and Beney also two Thousand Six hundred Dollars one horse bridle and saddle one cow and calf and sow and pigs and one feather bed and furniture.
Fourteenth.  I give to my Grand Daughter Mary A. Mitchum five Hundred Dollars.
Fifteenth.  I give to my Grand Son Albert B. Mitchum five hundred Dollars.
Sixteenth.  The remainder of my property not mentioned in this my will I wish to be sold on a credit at the discretion of my Executors and if there should anything more than enough to make up the legacies agreeable to this my will I wish it to be equally divided between my wife Mary A. Hilsman and my three Daughters Emely A. Mitchum Martha A. M. H. Hilsman and Sarah Jane Hilsman but if there should not be a sufficient amount to pay the legacies specifyed in this my will then I desire each heir shall loose in proportion to the amount devised to them.
Seventeenth.  I appoint my two Sons John H. Hilsman and Bennet G. Hilsman my Executors to this my last will and Testament for which Services I give them Jointly two hundred Dollars.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this September the Eighteenth A. D. one thousand Eight hundred and fifty six.

R. Hilsman (Seal)

Witness    John I. Fuqua
                 David W. Fuqua
                Thomas L. Harris

State of Tennessee  )
Carroll County       (  July Term  1857

At the above term of said court was produced in open court a paper wrighting purporting to be the last will and testament of R. Hilsman Deceased and offered for probate and the same was duly proven by the testimony of David W. Fuqua and Thomas L. Harris two of the subscribing witness thereto.  And thereupon the same was admitted to probate and ordered to be duly recorded of which the foregoing is a copy test.

W. H. Graves  Clerk.