I Thomas L. Harris of the County of Carroll and State of Tennessee being sound of mind and disposing memory do make and publish this my last will & testament.
1st. i desire all my just debts to be paid out of any moneys that may first come into the hands of my Executors hereinafter mentioned.
2nd I will and bequeath all the property I may be possessed of both personal and real to my daughter Mary Thomas
3rd I desire my Mother in Law Mrs. A. P. Jones to have the use and control of my negro girl Lidy for the use and benefit of my child Mary Thomas during her infancy
4th I desire that my mother Elizabeth B. Harris have the use of and control of such of my property as she may wish except the girl Luba above mentioned so long as she continues to keep house where she now lives
5th At the death of my mother or when she may break up house I desire all my land and the following slaves sold at the discretion of my Executors Jack Heck & Fan said negroes not to be sold at a distance exceeding eight miles from their wives
6th If my daughter Mary Thomas should die leaving no issue I desire my
negro girl with her increase be sold and the proceeds equally divided between
the living children of my wife's two sisters Sarah E. & Ann J. Gardner
the balance of my property of every discription including the proceeds of such
as may have been sold Also money if any I wish equally divided between my
brothers and Sisters those dead leaving issue their children drawing the parents
share I hereby constitute and appoint H. F. Harris B. T. Hillsman & J.
H. Hillsman Exectetors to this my last will and testament I also appoint
my Executors as guardians of the Estate of my Daughter Mary Thomas during the
remainder of her minority commending her to their care and protection.
In witness where of I hereunto set my hand and seal this the 14th day of
September 1861
Thomas D. Harris (Seal)
Witness J. H. Hilsman
Sarah Jennett Hilsman
Mary A. Hilsman
State of Tennessee )
Carroll County ( December Term 1862.
At the above term of said court said paper writing was probated as the will of Thomas L. Harris by the testimony of J. H. Hilsman & Mary A. Hilsman and ordered to be recorded of which the foregoing is a copy test.
W. H. Graves Clerk