In the name of Allmighty God Amen I William Harrell being of sound mind and memory but weak in body do make this my last will and Testament. Itom the first I commend my soul to God who first geve It. Itom the second It is my will that my Executor hereafter to be mentioned have full pour to manage my estate in any way that he may judge best for the Support of my dear wife Malinda and the support & schooling of my dear children (to-wit) Mary Jane Sarah James Martha Ann & Lucinda. It is my wish that he my Exetor give to them as their nesesetus require and the ability of my estate will admit. It is my will that none of my property be sold only as my Exetor my Judge nessary. Itom the third. I hereby constitute and appoint my worthy friend Dost. Seth W. Bell my Exetor to carry out this my last will and Testament. Given under my hand and seal this the 21st day of August A. D. 1844.
William Harrell (Seal)
C. S. Woods
Thomas A. Hawkins
John Normon