In the name of God Amen I Thomas Hames being of sound mind but in usual health but being about to take a considerable journey and Calling to mind human frailty and the mortality of man and being desirous to give directions how my business shall be conducted and my earthly substance disposed of should it please my creator to call me from the shores of time into the eternal world beyond I return Do will and bequest that as the portion of the tract of land on which my family now resides to which we have not yet obtained a title the purchase money not yet being paid for the same. But the meens being now provided to pay the same and the title of Two hundred and fifty Acres or two thirds of the whole of the lands we purchased of the Estate of Ambros Dudley Decd being coming to or to be made to me now should life not hold out for me to return or should the certainty of my dath be ascertained before the title is made then the title be made to my wife Sarah Hames or if the title be made to me and I should not live to return then I hereby bequest that my wife Sarah shall have the hole of my part of said Land and also my two Slaves cisley & Lize and all my house hold furniture stock or my interest in the same after my just debts are paid and to dispose of the same at her decease as she may think proper or to whomsoever she may in her discretion think is entitled to the same. In testimony whereof & in hopes that this will shall be faithfully carried out and executed I in ther presence of these subscribing witnesses do hereunto sign my name and affix my seal this 16th day of March 1850.
Thomas Hames (Seal)
Jany 6th
1856 State of
Tennessee Carroll County
To the worshipful County court of the aforesaid county
Whereas Thomas Hames departed this life on the second day of April 1855 and whereas among his papers was found a paper writing purporting to be his last will and testament and whereas said instrument has been some considerable time since it was executed and under circumstances that render it doubtful in the minds of some of who would be Legatees provided said will should not be set up or established that the aforesaid paper was only intended to be his will provided he never return from the trip he then had in view alive and nothing more I Sarah Hames his widow seeming to be the only person interested in said will or for whose benefit said will seems to have been made & the balance who will be the heirs or Devisees being my own children to which they might ever seem to have a wright Do herby relinguish or disclaim all right or desire to have the aforesaid paper writing set up or established as the last will and testament of Thomas Hames my deceased husband &c on my part & so far as I am interested in the same props the County Court if the power they have to pass said will by without probating the same or at least without establishing the same as any guide for the Adms. of the estate of Thomas Hames Decd and go on and appoint my friend Alfred Briant the Adm. to Administer the estate of the aforesaid Decd. as though no such will had ever existed given under my hand & seal this the day and year above written.
Sarah Hames (Seal)
A. Brient
Refer to the Jannay term 1856 for Explination.