The statements of Shelton G. Hames aobut Eight hours before he died in the
presence of Aaron S. Quinn I Hicks Crews & others April 23rd 1860.
1st. want all my lawful debts to be paid.
2nd. I want my wife Mary to have all my property to remain with her for
her own benefit and my four childrens during her widowhood Also Lize to
remain with and work for her & the children during her widowhood But
if Mary should marry then the property to be equally divided between my wife and
my four children my wife to have an equal part with the children and to do with
her part as she thinks best.
Aaron S. Quinn
H. Crews
State of Tennessee )
Carroll County ( At the term 1860
was offered for probate said will & duly proven by the testimony of A. S. Quinn & H. Crews & ordered to be recorded of which the above is a true copy.
W. H. Graves Clerk