Concidering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of a sound mind
and memory blessed be almighty God for the Same do make and publish this
my last will and testoment in manner and form following (that is to say),
First I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Catharine Gulledge all my
land tenement houses barnes ways woods and water during her lifetime or
widowhood to her and my boys that is I wish my boys to have fifty acres
at the north end of my land whare Green Chambers now lives. I also
give to my wife two mares and one Sorrel colt four cowes her choice two
hefers ten head of sheep ten choice head of fatning hogs waggon and Steers
farming utensils household and Kitchen furniture two sows and pigs her
choice. I give and bequeath to my Son Thomas B. Gulledge one
A colt give to my son Joel L. Gulledge one A bay colt I give
to my son Joel L. Gulledge one Sorrel colt.I wish my son William
R. Gulledge to have a horse worth as much as the other boys colts
out of my wife Shear of the property. I give to my daughter Zelphia
A. Gulledge one cow and calf one feather bead. I give to my
daughter Mary Jane Gulledge one cow and calf and one feather Bead.
I give my Daughter Martha Ellen Gulledge one cow and calf and one feather
Bead. All the rest of my perishable property after my death to be
sold to the highest bidder and my debts paid and the balance to be put
out on Interst and as my children become of age to have an equal Shearof
it. I hereby appoint John Sellers, Sr. my Sole Executor of this my
last will and testoment, hereby revoking all former wills by me made.
In witness whare of I hereunto set my hand and seal this 4th day of September
in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and forty two.
Witness: Hiram Laws, John W. Sellers )
Jeptha Gulledge (Seal)
State of Tennessee )
Carroll County ( October Term 1842.
This day the last will and tesoment of Jeptha Gulledge was produced
in open Court and the Executor their of was duly proven by the oathes of
Hiram Laws and John W. Sellers the two Subscribing witness their
to and ordered to be recorded.
A Copy Test
Y W Allen Clk.