In the name of God Amen I A. B. Gibbans of the County of Carroll and State of Tennessee being of sound mind and judgement and considering the uncertainty of this frail and transitory life do therefore make ordain publish and declare this to be my last will and testament that is to say
First After all my lawful debts are paid the residue of my Estate real and personal I give bequeath and dispose of as follows to wit To my beloved wife Margaret to have the full and entire control of my farm and all the lands I possess and all of my stock consisting of horses Cattle Hogs & sheep also my household & kitchen furniture with all of my tools and my implements for farming also my negro woman Phillis aged about twenty years
2nd To have the same during her natural life or widowhood in in case of her intermarrying with any other person the above named property to be sold and divided between my beloved children and she being entitled to a childs portion.
3rd  It is my desire that my sons and daughters who are minors to wit A. B. Gibbans Jun John T. Gibbens Samuel T. Gibbans Margaret L Gibbans Benjamin F. Gibbans Harrison Gibbans Columbus L. Gibbans Virginia C. W. Gibbans and Edward D. Gibbans be raised and Educted from the proceeds of my farm.
4th It is my will and desire that if there should be a surplus of stock of any kind more than a sufficiency to support said farm it is my will that said surplus be sold and profits arising therefrom go to pay my debts
5th  It is my will and desire that my son A. B. Gibbans have a certain bay filly three years old here before claimed by him also that each of my surviving sons have a good horse when they arrive to twenty one years old also that my daughters have the same that have not been provided for also my son Caswell C. Gibbans.
6th It is also my will and desire that James M. Lanier act and he is hereby appointed my executor of this above will and testament   Given under my hand and seal at my residence in the year of our lord One thousand Eight hundred and Sixty one (1861) April 6th.

A. B. Gibbans (Seal)

Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of 
Test    N. N. Barnett
            D. M. Boon

Proven at the March term 1861 & ordered to be recorded.

W. H. Graves Clk.