I Elizabeth B. Fuqua do make this my last will and Testament.  I will and bequeath to my mother Mary P. Fuqua all I possess so long as she lives and at her death I wish it to be equally divided between James P. Fuqua & Armon Adams  December 6th 1853 

Elizabeth B. Fuqua 


L. Tucker

H. F. Harris


State of Tennessee   )

Carroll County Court (  Term 1854  Monday

This day was produced in open court a paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Elizabeth B. Fuqua Decd and was duly proven by the oathes H. F. Harris & J. L. Tucker subscribing witnesses thereto the court thereupon ordered the same to be duly recorded of which the above is a copy Test


W. H. Graves Clk.