We Charles L. Hamill and Joel P. King do state that the nuncupative will of Robert Farris was made by him on the night of the 16th of September 1853 in our presence and that it was made in his last sickness in the counting room of the store house of Messrs J. H. & B. T. Hillsman with whom he (Farris had been doing business in the capacity of a clerk previous to his sickness and the same is as follows to wit.  It was his will and desire that his effects should be disposed of after his Decease in the following manner.  First he willed the house and lot on which Alexander Robinson now lives to the said Alexander Robinson and the balance of his property and effects to be Equally divided between his Brothers and sisters.

Made out and signed by us on the 20th day of Sept. 1853.

C. L. Hamill

J. P. King


State of Tennessee  )

Carroll County         (  March Term 1854


This day a paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament in a nuncupative form was duly proven by the testimony of C. L. Hamill & J. P. King subscribing witnesses thereto the same was ordered by the court to be duly recorded of which the above is a copy test.

W. H. Graves  Clk.