Andrew Edwards Will

I Andrew Edwards of the County of Carroll & State of Tennessee, do make and publish this my last will and Testament hereby revoking and makin void all former wills by me at any time made heretofore made.

And first, I direct that my body be decently intered at some suitable and convenient in a manner suitable to my condition in life - And as to such worldly estate as it has pleased God to intrust me with I dispose of the same as follows: First, I direct that all my & funeral expences be paid as soon after my disease as possible out of any money that I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of my executor from any portion of my estate real or personal. Secondly I give and bequeath unto my sone James Edwards one dollar and no more - Third, I give the heirs of Sally Swindell my daughter one dollar & no more. Fourthly I give the heirs of Andrew Edwards my son one dollar & no more, fifthly, I give & bequeath unto whomsoever may take care of me & my wife Sarah Edwards all that I may die possessed of both personal and real property, all mony I may then have in hand otherwise owing to me in any manner or form & appoint him whoever he may be to executer of this my last will & Testament. In witness whereof I Andrew Edwards the said Testator have to this my will written on one sheet of paper set my hand & seal this twenty ninth of August in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty Six.

Andrew Edwards his mark (Seal)

Signed sealed and published in the presence of us who have subscribed in the presence of the Testator & of each other. I do appoint James Nut Executor of this my last will & Testament.

Test: Jacob Humble - Noah Williamson

State of Tennessee)
Carroll County Court) November Term 1838

This day the last will and testament of Andrew Edwards was produced in open court and the execution thereof was duly proven by the oaths of Jacob Humble & Noah Williamson as being the will and testament of said Andrew Edwards, whereupon James Nutt the executor in said will mentioned came into open court and entered into bond in the sum of two hundred dollars with Noah Williamson & Jacob Humble his securities thereto & took the oath the law directs.

A Copy Test
George Hern Clerk
By J. R. Smith D. C.