In the name of God Amen I Andrew Dinwiddie of Carroll County and State of Tennessee being sound in mind and Judgement and considering the mortality of my body do constitute this my last will and Testament. I will that Avena and all her children belong exclusively to my son James Henderson as they come by his mother the ballence of my Estate and Efects to be devided between my wife & James Henderson and her chidl if she has one and it lives or at best devides it agreeable to the laws of this State. I appoint Thomas Baker and James Dinwiddie the Executors of this my last will and Testament witness my hand & seal this 10th October 1844.

Andrew Dunwiddie (Seal)

Wm. Dunwiddie
F. H. Dunwiddie

State of Tennessee)
Carroll County( November Term 1844

This day the last will and Testament of Andrew Dunwiddie deceased was proudues into open court and the duly execution proven by the oathes of William Dunwiddie and F. H. Dunwiddie the two Subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be recorded.

A Copy Test
Y W. Allen Clk.