David Marshall's Will 23 Feb 1833

(p. 36)
In the name of God, Amen. I, David Marshall Snr. of the County of Carroll and State of Tennessee being of sound mind and disposing memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament. In the manner and form following towit. In the first place I leave unto my Daghter Nancy (Wife of Morris Hallim) one certain tract or parcel of land containing three hundred & ten acres lying in the County of Carroll and adjoining the lands of Henry Wright, on which said Hallum now lives, dureing her natural life and at her death I give the same to her children to be equally divided among them to them and their heirs forever, the same I designed to have willed to my daughter Polly (wife of Robert Smith) at her request I have deeded it to her husband and therefore it is unnecessary to will it. Item. I lend unto my Son in law William Handsborough the tract of land whereon he now lives containg four hundred & fifty Sevn & a half acres also one negro woman named Nancy & Boys Anderson Peter & Jos. & a Girl Mary her children with her future Increase dureing her natural life and at his death the land and negroes So lent I give to the children of his deceased wife and to the Children of his present wife by him to be eaqually divided among them to to them and their heirs forever. Haveing given a certain tract of land containing by (p. 37) estimation four hundred and eight acres. To my daughter Patsy (Wif of James M Hurt) by deed executed on the 22nd of July one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine it is therefore unnecessary to make further mention of it. Haveing given to my Daughter Michal (Wife of Albert H. Wynn) a certain tract of land adjoining the north Boundary of the Town Tract of Lebannon in the County of Wilson & State of Tennessee, Estimated to contain one hundred and four acres, it is therefore unnecessary to make further mention of it. I give and bequeath unto my Said Daughter Michal one negro boy Misheck to her and he heirs forever. Item. I give to my Daughter Kitty (wife of Wm. Searcy) one certain tract or parcel of land lying in the County of Henry & State of Tennessee containing one hundred and seventy acres, which the said Searcy has sold and if the purchaser calls on me I will make him a deed to the same. Itim. I give to my daughter Kitty negro boys Dick & Edmund & Girl Luisa to her and her heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son David one certain tract or parcel of land commonly called the Summer tract, containing by estimation Three hundred & twenty acres, also part of the tract commonly called the Mabane tract beginning at the north west corner of Robert Hurt's tract, he purchased of Peter Clingman on a gum and white oak Pointers thence running with the line of thract, given to my daughter Patsy till it strikes Stockards creek, thence as the creed meanders till it gets below the road leading from Robert Hints to his brother James M Hints to a white oak & Dogwood pointers. Thence east one hundred & ten poles to corner Red oak in The branch leading from Son Davids thence as that Branch meanders until it unites with Stockards creek & thence down that toa a Maple corner & Dogwood pointers thence east to the west boundary line of the Hill tract, thence south with said line to the north boundary line of the Summer tract thence west to the northwest corner of the Summer tract to a corner Hickory & pointers thence south to the northeast corner of Robert Hurts tract bought of Peter Clingman thence west with his & the Section line to the beginning. I also give to my son David one negro woman Maria and her son James with her future increase & a mulatto Boy named Mitchel to him and his heirs forever. Item. I give to my Son William N. B. (p. 38) the tract of landon which I now live containing five hundred and forty five acres and a half subject to the peaceable possession of my wife Rebecca dureing natural life. I also give and bequeath to my son Wm. N. B. the remainder of the tract commonly called the Mabin tract, that is to say that tract is divided between my daughter Patsy and my Two Sons David & William, N. B. So that the two first named have the portion herinbefore described & my Son Wm. N. B. the Remainder of the tract also. I give and bequeath to my son William N. B. about fifteen acres adjoining the north boundary line of the Tract. I now live on it being a purchase made of Gilbert Hart Also one negro woman named Mary with her future increase also a negro boy gregory & a Mulatto boy Coleman also a choice young Horse of my Stock and a good bridle & Saddle also a good feather bed & furniture and a young yoke of oxen to him and his heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Two Sons David & Wm. N. B. the two lots in the town of McLemoreville on which the brick building stands in which my Son Wm. N. B. keeps store as joint property to them & their heirs forever. But that my Son William N. B. is to have peaceable possession the same untill the death of my wife Rebecca Provided he pay his brother David annually forty Dollars a year rent. Item. I give and bequeath to my (p. 39) grand Daughters Francis Ann Martha Jane & Elizabeth Bartee Children of my Dead Daughter Rebeca one hundred dollars in cash to be eaqully Divided amon them, I furthermore hereby direct and authorize my Executors hereinafter to be named to Sell upon such Credit as them may think proper a certain tract or Parcel of land containing two hundren & twenty two acres of land lying upon the waters of Lick Creek and it is my will that my three Grand Daughters Francis Ann Martha Jane & Rebecca Bartee receive as they become of age or marry the proceeds of Such Sale with the Interest of The Same equally divided among them. I give my Grand Daughter Francis Ann Bartee one negro boy Peter to my grand Daughter Martha Jane Bartee one negro boy Ransom to my Grand daughter Eliza Bartee one negro boy George and to each of the last named grand-daughters a good horse bridle and saddle & a good feather bed & furniture when they marry or arive at lawful age. In relation to all the property willed To my three Grand Daughters Francis Ann Martha Jane & Eliza Bartee that Should either die before they marry or arrive at lawful age that the Survivor or Survivors should receive the portion which would have fallen to the decd. I give to the Anabaptist To the Catholicks of Rome & to the Universalist three acres of land for a place of publick worship to be taken off of a Senventy Six acre tract. I had located on the waters of Crooked Creek to laid off in an oblong Square west of the Spring so as to have free access to the water. Item. I give to my Beloved Wife Rebecca three hundred dollars in cash. Item. I lend to her dureing her natural life the tract of land on Which I live also ten negroes to-wit, Peter Robin, Stephen, Jack Washington, Jude, Patt, Hanna, Dafney & Christiania also two Yoke of oxen one waggon & the one half of all my Stocks of every Description, also all my plantation tools & three pair of the best geer & all of mykitchen and household furniture and also the cropp of every description on hand at my death. All the residue of my estate not herein before disposed of I give to my following children & Grand Children. That is to say my Daughters Nancy, Polly, Patsey, Michal & Killy & to my three Grand Daughters Francis Ann, Martha Jane & Eliza Bartee as on legatee in the room and place of their decd. mother & to all the Children of my Son in law William Hnasborough Which were born of my decd. daughter Elizabeth and also the children Born and which may be born to him of his present wife as one legatee in the room and place of my Decd Daughter Elizabeth To be equally divided among them to them and their heirs forever that is to say to my Daughter Nancy (wife of Morris Hallum) one seventh part, to my Daughter Polly (wife of Robert Smith) one Sevnth part to my Daughter Michal (wife of Albert H Wynn) one Sevnth part, to my Daughter Kitty (wife of Wm. Searcy) one Sevnth part & to my Grand Daughter Francis Ann, Martha Jane & Eliza Bartee, one Sevnth part to be equally divided between them and to the children of Wm. Hansborough both of his firs & present wife one Sevnth Part to equally divided betwen them & their heirs forever, and after the death of my wife Rebecca that portion of my estate loaned her (except the Same) I give and bequeath to (p.40) To the last named legatees in the manner of the last named beqest That is to say to my Daughter Nancy one Sevnth part of the whole estate to So loaned to my Daughter Polly one Sevnth part to my Daughter Patsy one Sevnth part to my Daughter Michal one Sevnth part to my Daughter Kitty one Sevnth part to them and their heirs forever, to my three Grand Daughters Francis Ann Martha Jane & Eliza Bartee one Sevnth part to be equally diveded between them & to the Children of William Hansborough born of his first wife & of his second wife, or which may be born to him one Sevnth part to be equally divided betwen them to them their heirs forever. In division of my estate hereafter to be made no reference is to be had to advancements I have made to my children and which property they are in possession of, lastly, I do hereby constitue & appoint my Sons David and William N. B. & my son in law William Hansborough Executor of this my las Will and Testament, hereby revoking all other wills by me made.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal this 23rd day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & thirty three.

D Marshall (Seal)

Robert Hurt Jur
A. H. Smith Jur
T. J. N. Bridgers Jur

State of Tennessee)
Carroll County Court) March Session 1833

The last will and testament of David Marshall Deceased was this day produced in open court and the execution thereof was duly proven by the oaths of Robert Hurt Anderson H. Smith and T. J. N. Bridgers, Subscribing witnesses thereto: to be the act and deed of said Marshall and ordered to be Recorded Whereupon came into open court Davis Marshall Wm. N. B. Marshall and William Hansborough the executors named in the Said Will and entered into and acknolledged their bond in the sum of Ten thousand Dollars with James M. Hurt and George Barker their Securities, and took the necessary oathes Perscribed By law.

Registered 14 May 1833

Edward Gwin Clerk