State of Tennessee Carroll County
August 16th, 1836.
I John M Diggs being of sound and perfect mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner and form following 1st. I give and bequeath unto my eldest son James Diggs one Certain Cow and Calf, viz, the Cow and calf that he my son James Diggs has at this time in his possession also Two sows & their shoats & pigs that he my son James Diggs has in his possession at this time. I do also give and bequeath unto my dearly beloved wife Penelope the right to and claim of Ocupancy to to the land and improvements on which I now live during her natural life time, and then to go to my two youngest sons viz. Michael Diggs and Henry Diggs. I also give unto my dearly beloved Wife Penelope one feather Bed & furniture during her natural life time, and then to go to my two youngest sons Michael Diggs and Henry Diggs I also give unto my dearly beloved wife Penelope one certain White faced cow and calf during her natural life time and then to go to my two youngest sons Michael Diggs and Henry Diggs. I also give unto my dearly beloved wife Penelope One Sorrell Horse during her natural life and then to go to my two youngest sons Michael Diggs and Henry Diggs. I also give unto my son Dudley Diggs One cow and yearling & two heifers that my son Dudley Diggs has now in his possession Also I give and bequeath to my Son Dudley Diggs two other cows One White faced cow in his possession at this time and Pided cow that I bought of Stephen Ward. Also I give and bequeath unto my Son Dudley Diggs two Bulls as work cattle. I also give and bequeath unto my daughter Nancy Permenter & her heirs one feather bed & furniture that she hath at this time in her possession. also one red cow & calf that she my daughter Nancy hath in her possession at this time. I also give and bequeath unto my daughter Nancy Perminter Two Bull Yearlings. I also give unto my Daughter Lelah Diggs one feather bed and furniture and one heifer that she now claims. I also give & bequeath my crop of corn to the use of my beloved wife. I also wish my cotton crop after allowing my wife one years spinning cotton to go to paying of my debts. I also give and bequeath to by beloved Wife Penelope all my household & kitchen furniture during her natural life time and then to go to my Two younges sons Michael Diggs and Henry Diggs. I also give to my daughter Sariah Wilson One Dollars over and above what she hath already had. I also give and bequeath unto my son John D. Diggs one Rifle gun. I also give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Penelope all the rest of my personal estate whatever, and lastly I appoint my two eldest sons James Diggs & Dudley Diggs Executors of this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this Sixteenth day of August One thusand eight hundred and Thirty Six.
Signed Sealed published and declared by the above named John M Diggs to be his last Will and Testament in the presents of us who have hereunto Subscribed our names as Witnesses in the presents of the testator.
John M. Diggs. his mark (Seal)
Joab Brook
Henry Kerby
State of Tennessee)
Carroll County Court) Oct Term 1836
This day produced in open court the last will & testament of John M Diggs, Decd & the execution thereof was duly proven by the oaths of Joab Brooks & Henry Kerby the subscribing witnesses thereto as being his act and deed for the purpose therein contained & ordered to be recorded. Whereupon James Diggs and Dudley Diggs the executors therein named came into open Court and entered into bond as executors of said estate of John Diggs, Decd. in the sum of five hundred dollars with Joab Brooks & R. B. Gordon their securities & took the oaths perscribed by law.
A Copy Test
G. Hern Clerk
By J. R. Smith D. C.
Recorded 6th Oct 1836.