State of Tennessee  )
Carroll County       (  I McLane Delany

I Mc Lane Delany of the County of Carroll and State above stated considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being in my proper mind do make this my last will and testament in the manner and form as follows:
1st  To my wife six hundred dollars cash and one negro woman named Betty and the yoke of Oxen and the place that she owned before I married her in leau of a Dower an my home place  I do also authorize my Executors to have houses & garden repaired & all the out buildings belonging to the place I wish all my property sold Except my land the property does not pay the debts I wish a part or all of my Rhodes tract of land sold I wish my Executors to make private sale when they think best.
I wish my son J. W. Delany to take my three youngest children and rase them give them some schooling sufficient to read write and cipher give to each a horse and saddle to enable him to do this I wish him to have the use of all of that part of my tract of land on which my residence is located lying between the grave yard and the land I sold to J. W. Delany running north and south through the whole tract of land untill the youngest child is of age he is to have the use of twenty Acres of land Parilee to have the same when she marries when Franklin my youngest child arrives at the age of twenty one I wish all my land equally divided among my children or sold and the proceeds divided equally and the balance of my effects if there should be any to be disposed of in like manner all my lands not otherwise disposed of is to be rented out from the time of my decease untill my youngest child is of age  I wish the lot and house at the cross roads either sold or rented which ever may seem best.
I wish my daughter Sarah to have the use of twenty acres of land I want Thomas to have the use of twenty Acres of land.
I hereby appoint J. W. Delany & M. C. Gilbert my Executors to this my last will and testament..
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this the 18th day of June 1861

Mc Lane Delany (Seal)

H. Faning
Elisha Lawrence

Probated at the July term County Court 1861.

W. H. Graves Clk.