In the name of God Amen.
Knowing that it is appointed for men once to die and after that to Judgement being feeble in body though sound in mind do make this my last will and Testament.
First that my body be decently buried and my Spirit return to God who gave it me.
Second that all my just debts be paid.
3rd.  that my grandson Jacob Cooper who I have so far raised have a red cow and her red heifer and their increase also two Sows and their increase als_ the colt that my mare brings (if so be) She brings one.
4th.  I do give to my daughter Polly who has taken care of us our old age all and single the balance of my Estate both Stock and house hold furniture.  
Fifthly  I make and appoint Joshua Butler Administrator or Guardian if so it can be made up right without administration.
Witness my hand and seal this 22nd day of October 1856

Jacob Cooper (Seal)
X his mark

Attest        )
Isaac S. Crow - Joshua Butler )

State of Tennessee  )
Carroll County       (  Nov Term 1856.

At said term was produced in open court the foregoing purporting to be the Last will and Testament of Jacob Cooper decd. & the same duly proven by the Testimony of Isaac S. Crow & Joshua Butler & thereupon the same was admitted to probate and ordered to be executed of which the foregoing is a copy Test.

W. H. Graves Clk