In the name of God Amen. I Charles J. Lanier of the County of Carroll and State of Tennessee being weak in body but of sound mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament in the manner and form following: Viz:

First I derect that my funeral expences and my debts be first paid out of any moneys that I may die possessed of, or may first come in the hands of my Executor. secondly I give and bequeath to my wife Wilmoth C. Lanier all my property both personal and real to be controlled and used by her for her benifit and that of my children during her widowhood. Thirdly should she marry then it is my will that the Slaves be equally devided betwen her and the children with out selling them out of the famely and that the Land and all the personal property that she may have by sold as my Executors may think best for the benifit of my wife and children and the proceeds equally devided betwene them. Forthly I do nominate and appoint my Brother James M. Laneir my Executor to aid my wife in executing this will during her widowhood but should she marry it is my will that all the power vested in her by the second article of this will cease at the time of her marriage and I hereby nominate and appoint my Brother John H. Laneir my Executor to aid my Brother James M. Laneir to comply with the requesetions of the third article of this will. In witness whare of I do this my will Set my hand and Seal this first day of February 1849.

W. W. Moore
J. M. Townes.

Charles J. Lameir (Seal)

I do make and publish the following as a codicil to the foregoing will. It is my will after my death that my Executor with the consent of my wife sell the land and that she have the proceeds of the same exclusive of the provision made for her in the foregoing will. In witness whare of I do this my will set my hand and Seal this 17th day of August, 1849.

W. W. Moore
J. M. Townes

Charles J. Laneir (Seal)