State of Tennessee )
Carroll County(
I Mary Chilton do make and publish this as my last will and
testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me
at any time made.
First I direct that my funeral expences and all my debts be paid
as soon after my death as possible out of any moneys that I may
die possess of or may first come into the hands of my executors.
Secondly I give Louisa my girl to Mary Gilbert untill her son
Robert is twenty one years of age, and if Robert should die
before he is of age the girl shall remain hers with her increase.
Thirdly I give Bill my boy to John H. Guit at my death. Fourthly
I give Benjamin P. Gilbert a note on Robert Gilbert which calls
for one hundred Dollars. Fifthly I give my beds and all my
furniture to John H. Guit and Mary Gilbert to be equally devide
between them. Seventhly I give my Bureau Chairs and Cooking
utensils to Mary Gilbert. Sixthly I give my horse to little
Robert Gilbert - Mistake in copying -
Eightly I give ten Dollars to Olive Porter my daughter. Ninth I
give unto the representatives my sons William John and Daughters
Ferra boys & Juda four Dollars to be equally divided among
them they being previously provided for. Lastly I do hereby
nominate and appoint Clabon Curlee my Executor.
In witness where of I do to this my will set my hand and seal
this the 6th day of January 1852. The words my Sons and daughters
interlined before signed).
Mary Chilton
X her mark
Signed sealed and published in our presence and we have subscribed our names hereto in the presence of the testator. This the 6th day of January 1852
Test: Wm. B. Everett
J. R. Ezzell
Moses Green
State of Tennessee )
Carroll County( May Term 1853
This day a paper writing purporting to be the last will and
testament of Mary Chilton Decd was produced in open Court and
duly proven by the oath of Wm. B. Everett & J. R. Ezzell the
subscribing witnesses thereto.
Witness Wilbron H. Graves Clerk of said Court at office May 3rd
W. H. Graves Clerk