In the name of God Amen I John Chambers Sr. Knowing that it
is appointed unto man to die and being porely in body but sound in mind
thanks be to God for it do hereby ordain this my last will and testament.
It. 1st Now, my will is for all lawful demands against me to be paid.
It. 2nd. My will is for my Son John Chambers to have two notes I
hold on Henry Chambers one for ninety dollars one for ten dollars Also
one note on Wilson Chambers for Seventy dollars Also one Judgement
I hold against Green B. Chambers for seventy also one note on Willis
Bridges for twenty seven dollars all the above named to the support of
Said John Chambers. It.3rd. Now my will is for all the remainder
of my property to be sold and Equally devided amonge my Children
(to-wit) Sarah Usrey Mary Gately Henry Chambers Green B. Chambers
James Chambers Elizabeth Smith and Wilson Chambers. It. 4th I do
hereby apoint my good and trusty friend Willis Bridges as my Executor to
this my last will and testament as witness whare of I set my hand and seal
July the 30th 1842.
John Chambers
his mark
Henry Chambers
Wilson Chambers.
State of Tennessee )
Carroll County ( September Term 1842.
This day the last will and testoment of John Chambers Decd was produced
into open court and the Execution their of was duly proven by the oathes
of Henry Chambers and Wilson Chambers the two Witnesses their to and ordered
to be recorded.
A Copy Test
Y W Allen Clk