State of Tennessee)
Carroll County( February 13th 1848.

Now all men by these presents that I Jonathan Brandon I dwo hear by will and bequeath the foloning propperty to my wife Minerva Brandon dewing hear life time or widowhood that is to say the land whar I now reside household and kitchen furniture farming utentials sorrell and bay mare two cowes two sowes & Eleven shots all the porke corn fodder an oats now on my premises and all the money due me after my fureel and berrial expencis and just debts are satisfied &c and I dwo further more will and bequth one Sorrell filley to my son Christopher together with my Saddle bridle &c. and I further more wish and intent at the death of my wife Minerva or at the Experation of her widdowhood for all the property including the Land to be sold and the prosedes there of to be equely devided betwene my four children that is to say Barten W. William G. Christopher and Elizabeth, and I hear by appoint my sons Barten W. and William G. Executors of the above will it being my Last Will and Testament. given under my hand and seal day and date above mention.

Jonathan Brandon

Test: Ezekeel Simpson
Arthor Tosh.

State of Tennessee)
Carroll County( May Term 1848

This day the Last Will and Testament of Jonathan Brandon, Decd. was produced into open court and duly proven by the oaths of Ezikiel Simpson & Arthor Tosh the two witness there to and ordered by the court to be recorded.

A copy Test
Y. W. Allen Clk.