The substance of Mrs. Penelopie Boyds will as I understood
it was as follows
That Dr. J. G. Boyd should have Dr. David Boyds watch
That J. H. Boyd should have his saddle horse Bill
That her clothing should be divided among her sisters
That the Boyd family should have her Jewelry except the
Locket which she wished nannie to have
That nannie should have the balance of her property
February 1rst 1855.
J. M. Brannock
I. P. Rochell
State of Tennessee )
Carroll County Court(
July Term 1855
At this term was produced in open court the nuncupative
will of Penelopie Boyd Deceased and the same was duly pronby the testimony of J.
M. Brannock & I. P. Rochell the witnesses subscribed which noncupation was
ordered to be recorded the above being a copy test.
W. H. Graves Clerk.