In the name of God I George W. F. Boswell of the County of
Carroll and State of Tennessee, do this 1st day of June in the
year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and forty nine, make
and publish this my last will and Testament in manner following.
First of all I wish all of my Just and lawful debts to be paid.
Secondly I give and bequeath unto my wife Mary Boswell and hirs
all of my means and effects during their natural lives. Thirdly
provided my heir should die then I wish my wife Mary Boswell to
hold all of my Estate during her widowhood in case she should
marry then I wish my wife to hold one third of all my estate the
ballance or remaining two thirds which should have been my heirs
to be equally devided betwen all of my brothers and Sisters by my
mother Mary Jones. I also request that my negro man named Dick
Shall at all times be hired convenently and that he shall have
the priveledge of being near his wife which belongs to Uncle
Samuel Speares. I also do hereby make and ordain my Father in Law
David Coleman Executor to this my last will and testament. In
witness whare of I ahve hereunto Set my hand and seal this first
day of June one thousand Eight hundred and forty nine.
G. W. F. Boswell (Seal)
signed in the presents of
Alpheus King
Robt. L. Coleman
State of Tennessee)
Carroll County( September Term 1849
This day the last will and Testament of George W. F. Boswell, decd. was produced into open court and the Execution there of duly proven by the oath of Robt. L. Coleman one of the witness there to and ordered to be recorded.
A Copy Test
Y. W. Allen Clk