We Joseph Daniel and William Bell do state that the noncuputive will of John Bell was made by him on the 13rd of May 1846 in our presents to which we were specialy requested to bare witness by the testator himself in the presents of each other that it was made in his last sickness in his own habitation and the same is as follows (to-wit) it was his will and desire that his effects should be disposed of in the following manner. I desire that my beloved wife Nancy shall have the mare if she wants her if not to have fifty dollars to by her one that she could ride. I then asked him if he wished her to have all she brought, he said yes, and further said when the Two last girls left us, we were striped tolerable bare. he observed that she had worked hard as well as himself sence. I want her to have as much of the household furniture as she wants, as I don't expect she will want much he then said she had been good to him and to the children and he did not want her turned off in a scandelous manner. he then said he owed John Clark Two bits & James H. Gee $1.50 cents when he done what he was to do he said he paid Gee one dollar when he run the land. I then asked him if he had paid the widow Chambers the hire of Alex and if we ware not carefull in taking notes the half of them would never be collected. he said there was forty five dollars in his pockett Book. further he said there would be a coffin to git and he did not know how long he might be on my hands yet. he desired all his Just debts to be paid. he said as soon as the oats was cut he wanted us to forwarn Marrow from moving them off of the place till the rent was paid he further said the law was such that a man could not sell or move anything off the place till the rent was paid. We beliave the above to comprehend the sum and substance as near as we can recollect. made out by us on the 22nd of May 1846.

Test William Bell Jr.
Joseph Daniel
Jno. N. Lindsey Jr.
Nancy Williams

State of Tennessee )
Carroll County ( June Term 1846.

This day the last will and Testament of John Bell Deceased was produced into open court and duly proven by the oathes of Jno. N. Lindsey Nancy Williams witneths thereto as the law requires in such cases &c and ordered by the court to be recorded &c.

A Copy Test
Y. W. Allen Clk.