In the name of God Amen. I Burton Allen of the County of Carroll & State of Tennessee being feeble in body but sound in mind and memory do make and constitute this my last will and testament. Article the first (p.190) It is my will and decree that my funeral an burial expences and all my just debts be paid as early after my decease as practicable Article the second I will and bequeath unto my beloved wife Rebecca Allen during her natural life my tract of land on which I now reside containing onehundred and thirty three acres with the following exceptions to-wit about twenty acres which my son Alfred now resides and has in cultivation this year I give to him together with as mutch wood and rail timber as he may need for the use of the house and farm I here give him And also about twenty seven acres of land where my son William resides I give to him the said twenty seven acres being that part of my tract of land situated on the south side of the big branch runing through my land and east of the stage road with necessary rail timber and fire wood Article the tird I also give and bequeath to my wife Rebecca all my household and kitchen furniture all my plantation tools all my stock of every kind during her natural life. Article the 4th I will and bequeath unto my sons to them and their heirs and assigns forever all my tract of land containing one hundred and thirty three acres to be equally divided between them after the decease of my beloved wife wife but nothing is to be so construed herein before given to my beloved wife Rebecca during her natural life And in consideration of my giving all my land to my two sons Alfred and William I require of them each to pay the sum of fifty Dollars to each of my two Daughters Eliza Rowland and Susan Staltcuff making one hundred dollars to each of them which is instead of land.
(p191) Article the Fifth It is my will and desire that whatever may be left of my personal estate above given to my beloved wife Rebecca at her death be sold and the money divided equally between my four children to-wit Alfred William Eliza and Susan Article the 6th I constitute and appoint my friends Peter H. Woods and Wm. H. Woods my executors to carry out and execute this my last will and testament In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this the 2nd day of October in the of our Lord 1851
Burton Allen (Seal)
his mark
C. S. Woods
John Mcbane