The Tennessee Republican

The Tennessee Republican
Huntingdon, Carroll County


Friday, January 25, 1929


McKenzie Milk Plant Will Open Tuesday Week
Manger: J. G. DUNN
Officers: S. W. HINDS, president; C. M. WRINKLE, vice president; ROSCOE SMITH, secretary and treasurer; other members L. G. BUTLER and J. J. BOAZ.


Junior Order Will Hold Big Banquet
Huntingdon Council of Junior Order United American Mechanics will wine and dine at the Johnson Hotel Wednesday, Jan. 3. Mayor A. E. HALL, who is Councilor of the local order, will serve as toastmaster. In charge of tickets: A. E. HALL, D. D. MADDOX, LESLIE JOHNSON, NEWT WILLIAMS, ROBERT K. HARWOOD, LEON CHANDLER.


Pardons Are Issued
Nashville, Jan. 18—Governor HORTON has issued a pardon for JOHN SPARKS of McNairy convicted of driving a vehicle while intoxicated, who has an aged mother, crippled sister and brother with tuberculosis. A pardon was issued for ELMER CROCKER, R. R. DONE / DUNN, MALCOLM FODGE, ARLY LUNDY of Carroll County.
Taps Sounded for Union Veteran
J. A BURTON, an old Union soldier, died at Clarksburg January 22, being in poor health for some time. Burial was at Blair cemetery Wednesday. He was about 90 years old. For over 60 years, he has been a reader of the Republican, being one of the first who gave $2.00 for a year’s subscription. He was universally esteemed by his neighbors and always stood high for the best in society. Further details will be in these columns.


MRS. MATTIE HILLIARD, wife of DOCK HILLIARD, died at Baldwin, Mississippi. She was 60 years old. Interment was at Baldwin. Mr. Hilliard was born and raised in Carroll County, being the brother of HON. H. HILLIARD, J. B HILLIARD of Huntingdon, and MRS. R. D. MCCORD of Camden.


MRS. MAGGIE LEE CHANDLER, age 32 years, 8 months, 17 days, died at her home in the 23rd district Jan. 20. She was the wife of CLAUDE CHANDLER. Burial was at Long Rock, Jan. 21, Rev. E. H. MARTIN officiating.


Announcement was received here Monday from Mr. and Mrs. CLYDE RODEHEVER of Westbourne announcing the marriage of their daughter MISS MILDRED LOGAN to DR. ALVIN HAWKINS in Westbourne, Friday, Jan. 11. Dr. Hawkins is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ERNEST HAWKINS of Huntingdon, was born and reared here. He recently graduated from medical department of the University of Tennessee and located in Westbourne for medical practice.


A wedding of much interest to their many friends was that of ARDEN BAILEY and MISS TESSEI NORDEN of near Buena Vista, which was solemnized by Esq. GARVIN PARKS Sunday. Their many friends wish them much happiness.


ANN MELTON, age 75, an inmate of the county house, died Jan. 21 and was buried at the cemetery of the farm.


Invalid for 38 Years Passes On
MRS. I. N. SAMPSON, age 73 years, 5 years, 22 days, widow of I. NEWT SAMPSON, died at the home of her daughter, MRS. N. L. HART, at McKenzie, Tuesday, Jan. 22 after a long illness. Funeral was at Liberty All, Wednesday at 2 p.m.


Mrs. Sampson had been an invalid for 38 years, suffering four attack of paralysis. She professed faith in Christ early, but did not unite with any church. Her husband died some 6 years ago.


Surviving are two sons, R. E SAMPSON of the 19th district, and N. L. SAMPSON of Milan; two daughters, MRS. N. L. HART of McKenzie and MRS. MACK GRAVES of McLemoresville. Four sisters: MRS. R. B. ALLEN, MS. G. H. MERRITT, MRS. R. W ESPEY of the 8th district and MRS. C. P. VICKERS of McKenzie.


Sheriff Butler Is Very Busy Officer
SHERIFF J. CLINTON BUTLER arrested W. W. CANTON, colored, at McKenzie. Wednesday, the sheriff left for Atlanta, Georgia to bring home W. E. THOMPSON, who jumped bond and whose two bondsmen desired to protect their interests.


Banquet at Blue Bird Café Much Enjoyed
Wall & Thomas Chevrolet Co.’s personnel were hosts at a banquet at the Blue Gird Café. Their wives and friends were guests of honor. R. E THOMAS and M. O. WALL were toastmasters. Attending: Mr. and Mrs. M. O. WALL, Mr. and Mrs. LESLIE JOHNSON, Mr. and Mrs. ERNEST SELLERS, Mr. and Mrs. FRANK FLAKE, R. E THOMAS, CARL MYRACLE, TOMMIE FLAKE, LABAN JOHNSON, R. C. JOHNSON, HENRY JOHNSON, and MISSES ESTELLE FRANCISCO, CARRIE JOHNSON and DIXIE FURMAN.


New Enterprise Makes Its Debut
Saturday marked the opening of Hotel Coffee Shop in the lobby of the Brown Hotel, with Mr. and Mrs. RAY SHEMWELL as managers.


MISS VERA WILLIAMS, age 38, died at the home of her parents in the 15th district Jan. 21, buried at McAuley’s cemetery, EV. T. M. BOYD officiating.


Popular Springs
LOWELL CRIDER of Bemis spent Saturday with his uncle GAETHE LAWS and family.


Mr. and Mrs. CLYDE KELLY and children of Leach visited the family of W. A WILES.


NOAH LEE CRIDER of Bemis spent Saturday with his cousin HOBERT LAWS and wife.


Mr. and Mrs. ERNEST HOLLIDAY visited Mr. and Mrs. SID CRIDER and family at Anark.


MONROE WILES of Bemis spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A WILES.


MRS. IDA CRIDER of near Hilliard visited Mr. and Mrs. ALVIN TUCKER.


ADRIAN SPRINGER of Clarksburg visited friends here.


LESTER SCOTT spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. EMMETT RIGSBY at Terry.


MISS TILDA SIMPSON died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LEE CARNAL Friday of last week and was buried at Sellers cemetery Saturday.


Abbott Store
CHARLIE MITCHELL of near Holloday was here.


Mr. and Mrs. JOHN JONES of Dollar visited Mr. and Mrs. BEN ABBOTT.


FRANK SMOTHERS visited Mr. and Mrs. R. F DRINKARD.


BEN ABBOTT was in Bruceton on business.


E. R. ABBOTT of near Pleasant Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. R. H. ABBOTT.


MRS. JIM SANDERS of near Holloday visited Mr. and Mrs. JOE NOLES.


JOHN ELLIS of Stump and Tie was here.


N. B MELTON and family are sick from flu.


Leach Notes
MRS. A. J. TURNEY of Fulton, Kentucky spent Sunday with her mother, MRS. JIM BELEW, and brought her a sumptuous birthday cake for her 76th birthday.


MRS. ROY HENLEY of Huntingdon is visited her mother, MRS. J. R DILL.


MRS. HERMAN WILLIAMS and children of Huntingdon visited her brother, CLARK WILKES and family.


MISS RUBYE LEE is visiting her sister MRS. DEWARD WALTON and family north of Huntingdon.


MRS. JOHN TUCKER and daughter BETTYE moved back to their farm from Huntingdon where they are making their home with her daughter, MRS. JAMES ESPEY.


JOHN DUNN has the flu.


MRS. MONROE WILES of Bemis visited her sister MRS. CLYDE KELLY recently.


The kind friends and neighbors of J. R. DILL cut and hauled him seven loads of wood recently. The deed was greatly appreciated. Those helping were CLYDE KELLY, J. F. MCCASLIN, WILL CARNAL, J. H. GOODRUM, A. E LEE, BURL JARRETT, CLARK WILKES, TOMMIE MANN, J. H. JOHNSON and JIM COOPER.


Notice of Land Sale in the case of W. H. CARTER vs TICE HAMPTON et al


Non-Resident Notice
AMERICA E. ABBOTT vs JOHN H. ABBOTT (lives in Michigan)


Unity Items
ALBERT BRINKLEY visited his sister near Westport.






Miss CELA MELTON visited her brother ARTHUR MELTON near Shiloh.


U. NORDEN was in Holloday.


MILTON FRENCH of near Henry visited his sister MRS. ILA MELTON.


MSS ADDIE BOYD visited her cousin, MISS OBERLYN NOLES near Holloday.




MISS LORENE WILLIAMS of Hollow Rock visited her sister MRS. J. E O’NEILL.


JAMIE O’NEILL, director of a Southern orchestra, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. O’NEILL.


MRS. J. O. HARVEY, J. W. CARTER, and S. A. BROWN have the flu.


Mr. and Mrs. S. A. BROWN are celebrating their sixtieth wedding anniversary at their home Jan. 21.


Mr. and Mrs. C. H. HICKMAN and daughters VIRGIE and LAURA FRANCES spent Saturday visiting her mother, MRS. OLLIE HICKMAN who is sick.


Bradford Items
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ELLIS of near Westport visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. TODD.


JOHN PARISH has the flu.


GROVER ELLIS visited his cousin ONNE TODD near Yuma.


LEWIS NORDEN and EURISE NORDEN / NORDIN visited friends here.


Spanish Grove
DOSSIE BIRDWELL of Nashville visited here.


Mr. and Mrs. JESSE BOYD and son HERMAN visited MRS. ARBY ASHBY at Dollar.




Mr. and Mrs. JESSE JORDON and family of Bruceton visited Mr. and Mrs. BEN MELTON.


Mr. and Mrs. RUPERT ROBINSON visited Mr. and Mrs. ARBY ASHBY at Dollar.


JOHN S. BIRDWELL visited his daughter, MRS. GRAYDON BUTLER at Buena Vista.


Mr. and Mrs. LUCIEN BIRDWELL of near Huntingdon visited here.


Mr. and Mrs. ALGIE MELTON and children of near Sawyers visited Mr. and Mrs. BEN MELTON.


New Friendship
WILLARD PARK returned to school at Central high.


Mr. and Mrs. V. S. ROWE and family moved to McLemoresville.


MRS. HANNAS VANCE is still sick.


Mr. and Mrs. JACK COLE of Waverly visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. ROBINSON.


CLYDE BUTLER and family are now living at the Pond Branch community, having moved last week.


BUFE FURR is sick with tuberculosis.


WENDELL WALKER, who is teaching at Hodges school, Benton County, visited his mother MRS. S. C WALKER.


VERNON ARNOLD of near Holladay visited Mr. and Mrs. JESTIE FOWLER.


Splendid Citizen Dies in Nashville Hospital
ALBERT MORGAN, age 31 years, of the 12 district, died at a Nashville hospital Monday of last week, from pneumonia which developed from an appendix operation. Funeral services were conducted by REV. YATES Wednesday and interment at Palmer Shelter. He is survived by his wife and four children, by his parents, three brothers including twin brother ELBERT, JOE and JOHN MORGAN of this county, five sisters, MRS. DAVE RUMLEY, MRS. SAM ARNOLD, MRS. NANCY YAWN, and MRS. LOUIS COLEMAN of this county and MRS. HARMON WILSON of Ohio. He was a member of the Methodist church at Palmer Shelter, an industrious young man, highly esteemed.


MRS. LELA KING, wife of J. PRINCE KING, died at her home in the 15th district, Jan. 22, and was buried at McAuley’s cemetery Jan. 23, REV. J. G. COOPER conducting the service. She was a member of the Baptist Church, a most estimable woman. She was about 40 years old, and leaves many friends and relatives to mourn her death. The following were pallbearers: ARVIL COLE, BYRON COLE, BOOSE KING, PETE KING, CLAUDE RIDINGS, and ODELL WYATT.


Administrators Notice… estate of MRS. LELA KING,… MRS. G. L. BUTLER, admr.


F. E. GODWIN of Memphis was here.


HORACE LUSKY of Nashville visited here.


MS. MARY MERRICK went to Bruceton.


Mr. and Mrs. C. M. WATSON were in Jackson. 


ERNEST WHITE of Jackson was here on business.


MRS. J. SAM JOHNSON is visiting relatives at Fruitland.


W. O. MCALEXANDER of Lavinia was here on business.


JAMES FREEMAN of Nashville came to visit.


GORDON WILDER and J. W. ATKINS were in Paris on business.


Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MARTIN and baby spent the weekend in McKenzie.


W. R TEACHOUT and DR. C. V. GALLIMORE were in Memphis.


J. R. TOWNES of Martin visited his mother MRS. ALICE TOWNES.




Mr. and Mrs. N. W MARTIN of Milan visited with Mr. and Mrs. JAMES JOHNSON.




MISS ELIZABETH WHEELER of Waverly visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. WHEELER.


B. E. SANDERS, wife and daughter MISS OLIVE  MAI of Jackson visited W. G SANDERS and family.


GEORGE W. PARISH was in Nashville visiting the bankers.


MRS. E. H. ODUM returned from a visit with her daughter, MRS. W. D. WOODS at Houston, Miss.


MRS. BEN V. JENKINS of Huntingdon advertises the sale of pure Rhode Island red cockerels.


JOHN SPELLINGS, an old Carroll County boy, but for some years living in Weakley County, near Martin, was here. He is doing well in his new home.


W. H. LASSIER, head of the produce company which bears his name, is making progress with injuries received in a recent car wreck on the Jackson highway.


G. PRIEST MOORE, Route 7, is hard at work building a new home on his farm. It will be two stories high with ample accommodation for expected company in the persons of two grandsons who had rather stay at his home than at their father’s Junior Ed.


E. E. SANDERS, the bard of Westport, who has been reporting the events of that town for this paper for a number of years, was in town to see us. Mr. Sanders has been sick at the home of his son, W. G. SANDERS here for about two weeks.


MRS. BETTIE WALTERS is recovering from her illness.


JOHN SPELLINGS and JOHN PARKER of Martin were here.


Mr. and Mrs. HILLARY FREEMAN and baby visited homefolks at Martin.


MISS LALLA CARTER and sister of Milan visited MRS. W. L. NOELL.


ED BRYANT and NORMAN LEACH of Trezevant were here.




Mr. and Mrs. A. E HOFFMAN of Memphis visited Dr. and Mrs. ROY A DOUGLASS.


MURRAY WHITEHORN moved from Huntingdon to Jackson and bought a residence in Jackson.


MISS MARTHA WINGO spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. JOHN WINGO in Trezevant.




MRS. PAUL MEALS of Paris visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B DILL.


MRS. BILLY CARTER who has been confined to her home for a long time was moved to her daughter’s, MRS. ERNEST JOHNSON to visit.


JOHN KENNON moved from this farm north to town to MISS ANNIE FOWLER’S residence in Huntingdon.


Mr. and Mrs. E. B. SANDERS and daughter OLIVE spent Sunday with his brother W. G. SANDERS and family and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. SANDERS.


MRS. J. H. SPENCER returned from Nashville where she visited her daughter MRS. CHARLES MADER.


REV. W. L. WHEELER was in McKenzie to visit MRS. JOHNC. WILDER who continues to be very ill at the home of her daughter MRS. WENDELL ATKINS.


ROBERT MURRAY was in Lexington, Kentucky and in Memphis where he visited Dr. and Mrs. C. S SIMPSON.


Mr. and Mrs. MAHON WHITE and baby and Mr. and Mrs. FRANK WHITE and baby of Jackson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. RENZIE JOHNSON.


FRED BENNETT Jr. accepted a position with Standard Oil Co. in Memphis.


Mr. and Mrs. C. M. PRITCHARD and MISS FLORENCE ROARCH were Sunday visitor wit her father, BUD KEE and family in Milan.


NEILL WRIGHT was in Nashville, taking in the inauguration of Gov. HORTON.


MRS. L. R. ANDERSON and little son J. W. arrived from McMinnville where they visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B BROWN. They were accompanied by Mrs. Brown.


JOHN PARKER of Martin was here on business.


MRS. JAMES PATRICK visited her sister in Dickson.


M. F. PRIEST came from Nashville where he is a member of the state legislature.


Mr. and Mrs. G. L. BUTLER of the 18th district were pleasant callers at the Republican office.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F NEELY and son HAROLD and MRS. J. O. EDWARDS were Sunday visitors with MRS. GLADYS CHAMBER in McKenzie. They were accompanied home by MISS MADELINE CHAMBERS who will remain here to complete the school term.


E.. D. FREEMAN, head of Huntingdon Jewelry Co. and raconteur extraordinary, is enjoying a vacation with his daughter, MRS. J. H. MCCALL Jr. and Mr. McCall at Oklahoma City. A former Huntingdon girl, nee MISS LINNIE PARKER, who is happily married and who is a proud possessor of more than one automobile, has placed a car at Mr. Freeman’s disposal with his daughter as chauffeur, he is seeing Oklahoma first.


Plant Official Here
STEVE MILLER, high mogul of the McKenzie Banner, and Mr. TAYLOE, field man of the McKenzie Milk Products Co., were here. Both are enthusiastic about the prospects of McKenzie’s new industry.