The Carroll County Democrat
Carroll County Democrat
Huntingdon, Tennessee
Friday, April 19, 1895
Kirkpatrick & Co. Fails
Kirkpatrick & Co., wholesale groceries of Nashville, failed.. W. L. NOELL of
this place is their traveling salesman for this territory and nearly every
grocer in this section has had dealings with them.
That Star Boarder
ED RAWLS, Sheriff S. J. CHAMBERS' star boarder, is again stopping at the
county boarding house. He was captured at Union City and placed behind bars here
Tuesday. After escaping last week, he went direct to Milan and then to Cairo
then joined a company of tramps coming back to Union City where the crowd was
pulled for shooting craps. Someone from McKenzie recognized him and reported his
arrest to Chambers. Rawls says he has no one but himself to blame for his
New Mayor
The board of aldermen met Monday for the purpose of electing a mayor to fill the
unexpired term of LEVI MCEWEN, deceased. W. H. EASON was unanimously elected.
MRS. LOUISA MERRITT, mother of H. T. MERRITT of the Democrat force, died at her
home near town last Saturday about 6:45 p.m. of la grippe, after an illness of
only nine days. She was 73 years old and a true, devoted Christian woman. She
was a member of the Baptist Church and had been since 1839, having lived here
over 21 years, leaving a host of friends to mourn her death. The funeral
services were conducted at her home last Sunday at 2 p.m. by Rev. GEORGE M.
OAKLEY, with interment at the Clark cemetery. The bereaved children and
relatives have the sympathy of the town and community in their sad affliction.
A Woman in Trouble
MRS. MARGARETTE COLLINS, who lives in the 7th district, was arrested on a charge
of attempting to burn the WILDER & CLARK stave factory and interfering with the
building of a store house near the factory..
Little Locals
M. F. FRY and wife visited Nashville.
ERNEST HAWKINS purchased a fine soda fount.
OSCAR HILL commenced to clerk for E. G. RIDGLEY Monday.
B. F. HATLEY's children are improving from their illness.
SAM GARDNER is sick.
DR. J. W. DOHERTY is building an office in the corner of his yard.
BASIL FOWLER conducted the prayer meeting at the C. P. Church last Wednesday.
MISS CORA TOWNES is improving from her illness. She was able to visit the family
of Judge W. W. MURRAY.
Elder J. C. MCQUIDDY of Nashville, managing editor of the Gospel Advocate,
visited the university people.
Rev. G. M. OAKLEY left for Lebanon to visit his wife and child.
There was a family reunion at J. B. LIFSEY'S last Sunday. All the family were
present except JOE who is in California.
An infant child of ALEX BRANNON and wife died Monday and was buried at
Clarksburg Tuesday.
We are sorry to chronicle the death of MRS. GEORGE BUTLER which occurred in the
18th district last Sunday. She was a member of the Baptist Church and many
friends mourn her death.
E. T. FLAT of McKenzie was here looking for a ten year old boy who had run away
from home.
Marriage licenses: C. A. MCMACKINS and F. A. TURNER; F. V. MOORE and M. L. HILL;
MRS. LAFAYETTE SINGLETON of Trezevant community died last Tuesday night after an
illness of several weeks. She was about 40 years old, a member of the Baptist
Church and a most estimable lady. She was buried Wednesday.
Last Sunday morning near Cedar Grove, a small child of HINT BLEDSOE crawled into
some fire and was badly burned, recovery is doubtful.
MRS. LILLIE BUSHART wishes to call the attention of the ladies to her stock of
millinery goods. She is assisted by her sister, MISS BOOTH NEWTON, and they are
prepared to show the trade the latest styles in hats.
MRS. JOSIE VOUGH, sister of MRS. HENRY DILDAY, died last Monday of consumption
and was buried Tuesday. She came here a short time ago from Kentucky, hoping the
change would prove beneficial to her health, but she continued to grow worse.
JOE MCCRACKEN has in his possession a very old relic in the shape of a land
grant. It bears the date August 28, 1825 and is signed by Gov. WILLIAM CARROLL,
who was governor of Tennessee at that time and conveyed to Mr. McCracken's
father 50 acres of land in Murray County.
An Epworth League was organized in the M. E. Church South Sunday with MRS.
NANNIE YOUNG president, H. D. BOWDEN, Mr. TAYLOR and M. W. HAYS vice presidents.
C. M. WRINKLE of the firm BARTON, WRINKLE 7 Co. of McKenzie bought from our
merchants two carloads of corn and 130 bushels of stock peas this week.
MRS. MARY JOHNSON, who was treated by Dr. HOLMES and Dr. CLOPTON of Milan for
cancer, is in a critical condition and cannot live much longer. Her mother, MRS.
OLIVER, is also very low and can't live much longer.
MISS EVE MORFORD, well and favorably known to our young people, having visited
her sister, MRS. R. H. ANTHONY, here several times, has recently married a Mr.
W. F. BABER bought an interest in a stave factory at Camden and left to take
Personals R. H. MCCLAIN was here.
J. J. HEAD Sr. of Paris was here.
LUTHER KYLE spent part of the week in town.
A.M. LEE was in Paris on business.
HARRY GALLOWAY of Trezevant was here.
MRS. S. P. CHEEK is visiting at Tracy City.
A.S. BREVARD went to Missouri to place some mail routes.
Judge JAMES DOHERTY of Decaturville is visiting here.
R. E. PERRY and PROF. CURD of Hollow Rock were here.
MRS. A. J. WILLIAMS of Humboldt is visiting here.
W. H. SARTOR and wife went to Nashville.
PRIDGE MELTON and ORLANDER LASHIER of Camden visited here.
J. I. CARNAL and daughter MISS WILLIE of Clarksburg were here trading.
Elder G. HOLLOWELL of Holladay was here trading and visiting.
MRS. ELAH CARTER and little son of Greenfield are visiting her father, J. W
OWNBY and family.
MRS. EFFIE WARD and children of Greenfield are visiting here.
DICK NEAL of Trezevant visited this office.
DON FOWLER left to Illinois to work at his profession.
Judge W. W. MURRAY returned home.
REV. J. M. CARTER is home after spending some time at his work in the Tennessee
River counties.
PROF. J. A BABER and JOHN NEELY went to Nashville to hear SAM JONES.
Rev. H. D. LASHLY, an old S.N.U. student, now pastor of the Parson's circuit,
was here.
O.A. KENNEDY, who has been teaching near Newburn, closed his school and will
spend the summer here.
Judge L. L. HAWKINS was able to be out after several weeks illness of la grippe.
JOS. N. GARDNER of McKenzie was here on his way to visit his brother SAM
GARDNER. MRS. B. T. BROWN accompanied him from here.
State President W. L. NOELL is attending the Christian Endeavor Society at
MISS NETTIE SHANKLE, who was staying with her sister MRS. I. N. PENICK, returned
home accompanied by her little niece, MITTIE PENICK.
The Democrat failed to note last week that REV. J. W. WATERS attended the big
revival at Hickman that was conducted by WILD BILL EVANS… General News Selmer
held a municipal election; G. C GOOCH was elected mayor.
GEORGE W. MCMILLEN, a miner at Morgantown, died from injuries received in a cave
in of coal at the NELSON mine.
MISS CORA FREEZE, a beautiful young lady, died from smallpox at Covington last
JAMES JOHNSON, one of the oldest citizens of Rhea County, is dead. He had been a
member of the county court for nearly 40 years.
ROBERT SHELTON, late chief clerk for Postoffice Inspector WHITESIDE of
Chattanooga, was found dead in his room Sunday.
Near New Era, Perry County,, the body of a man supposed to be named CUNNINGHAM
was found badly decomposed.
A stonecutter, L. B. REES, tried to commit suicide at Humboldt.
Criminal court at Selmer; LEM BOWERS, EPHRIAM REMMER and JOHN MILLS were
sentenced for petit larceny; JEFF MCAFEE and JIM NASH were convicted for killing
McKenzie Doings ALLEN FITZGERALD is quite sick.
THOMAS HICKS is low with consumption.
DORSEY BRYANT was taken sick with erysipelas.
N. C. SWERENGIN is staying at Gleason. His partner Mr. CASEY is sick.
Ex-Sheriff BLAKEMORE of Paris was here in the interest of the Paris Hedge Fence
MISS URA WRINKLE and MRS. JULIAN BOWDEN are visiting at Humboldt.
R. J. PARNELL left to attend the Christian Endeavor at Knoxville.
RICHARD SNEAD, a Bethel student , left for his home in Indian Territory. He left
due to illness.
REV. S. C. HEARN goes to Cottage Grove the third Sunday in this month and REV.
W. B. JONES of Paris will be here.
NOWLIN attended the reunion at Shiloh. They went through the country in a wagon,
camping on the way, and report a pleasant time.
PROF. J. L. DICKENS has been elected president of Bethel College for the next
year. REV. T. W. CANNON will give all his time to the ministry.
Milliner Sent Up
LES MILLINER, colored, who in March 1894 killed JOHN SMITH of Martin, was tried
at Dresden last week and sentenced for twenty years in the penitentiary.
Resolutions of Respect by the board of aldermen of Huntingdon for LEWI MCEWEN,
mayor of Huntingdon for about six years,… from G.T. MCCALL, G. W HUMBLE, and