Carroll County Democrat

Carroll County Democrat
Huntingdon, Tennessee
J. B. GILBERT and G. H. MCNEILL, editors

Friday, November 9, 1888

Articles about elections.

Names in short item from Brownsville:The Rally Monday Article about a political rally and procession with CAPT. SAM HAWKINS with the Huntingdon coronet band… On His Muscle Last Monday night an Irishman, who is traveling with the Gypsies, got into trouble with some one in our town, and a few of the marshals of the day attempted to arrest him,… Killed by the Cars GEORGE GATTON, son-in-law of MRS.P. A. DUNCAN of this place fell from a train near Stanton, Kentucky last Tuesday and was killed. His remains
were brought here for interment. Mr. Gatton had been braking on a freight train
for some time and his remains were brought here by the following friends and
relatives; THOMAS GATTON, MRS. GATTON, MRS. MAGGIE DAVITT, MRS. J. A. ALLEN, J. L. WARNER, R. D. THOMPSON, H. G. CHUNDY, W. R. MCPHERSON, J. L. WARNER, all from Stanford, Kentucky (both Stanton and Stanford were in the same item).

At Beaver Creek The Democracy of the Beaver Creek Academy neighborhood had a
grand rally and torchlight procession last Saturday night. COL. R. P. COLE,
Judge JO R. HAWKINS and HON. H. C. TOWNES were the orators.

Dropped Dead E. W. MARTIN of near town fell dead yesterday from an aneurism of
the aorta. He had just finished eating dinner and as he got up from the table,
he told his wife that he felt bad and took two steps, fell on the bed dead. His
death was sudden, but not unexpected as the disease was liable to take him at
any time. He was fifty odd years old, leaves a wife and several children and a
large circle of friends to mourn his loss. He will be buried today.

Fatal Accident WILLIAM LOONEY, son of JAMES F. LOONEY of the 22nd district,
while feeding a cotton gin belonging to MCDONALD & Co of Weakley County last
Monday, had both his arms fearfully mangled from which he died in a few hours.
He was about 21 years old, a clever, promising young man, and his sad fate is
regretted by a large circle of friends and relatives. He was buried at Blooming
Grove graveyard.

Jones Elected JUDGE JO. R. HAWKINS received a telegram last night that JONES,
the democratic candidate for state senate, carried Decatur County by a majority
of 90 votes. He carried Benton by 430 votes… Little Locals R. F. LILLIARD of
Murfreesboro is here.

CLYDE MCCLINTOCK of McKenzie was here.

REV. DENTON preached at Bethel in the Forks of the Creek.

MR. GOOCH and family moved into the house on the square vacated by MR. WOOLBURG.

UNCLE JERRY DRAKE moved his wife to town, and they occupy rooms in the JOHNSON

TOM RONEY of the 22nd district has raised Irish potatoes this year that weighed
over a pound each.

MRS. LOUIS PORTER of the 6th district, who is over 70 years old, picked 50
pounds of cotton last Friday.

MRS. SALLIE ALMAN of the 8th district, who has been dangerously sick for about 3
weeks, is reported no better.

MRS. LUCY NEWSOME of McKenzie had a stroke of paralysis the first of the week.

COL. JOHN ROBESON had a horse to fall with him last Tuesday and badly hurt one
of his feet, which causes him to use crutches.

The crowd in town last Monday was large and orderly, only two or three fights
and arrests, which was doing very well.

BOB TAYLOR got one vote in the 25th district. This is the first time in a number
of years that a Democrat received a vote in this district.

MRS. E. G. RIDGLEY, after an absence of several weeks visiting relatives in
Cincinnati, returned home and made our friend E. G. happy again.

CAWLEY WHITE of the 12th district died last Sunday morning of typhoid pneumonia
after a protracted illness of four weeks. He was 23 years old and had only been
married about nine months.

G. N. FRIZZELL and wife, J. I. JOHNSON and wife and MRS. M. J. FOSTER of
Farmsville, Texas (Farmersville?) are in town on their way to their old home in
Henderson County on a visit. They reports crops in the Lone Star state very

MRS. JAMES H. ADAMS, the wife of a brother of DOC ADAMS of our town, who lived
near Clarksburg, died last Monday night of fever. Doc Adams and MRS. S. N.
WILLIAMS attended her bedside in her last hours.

W. W. MURRAY, who had been claiming that he wanted to sell his matched grays for
$500, payable when Harrison was elected, had the opportunity offered him last
Monday and he backed down. No doubt he is now kicking himself.

The friends of B. F. HARRISON in Carroll County will be gratified to learn that
he has been appointed to the position of deputy clerk of the circuit court of
Davidson County. Mr. Harrison is an old Carroll countian where he served for
many years as clerk of the circuit court. He is a fine pensman and will
creditably fill the position to which he ahs bee assigned.



COL. R. P. COLE was here Saturday.

FRANK BROWN was at home a few days.

J. K. RAMSEY of McKenzie was here Monday.

MRS.DR. W.M.WRIGHT went to Paris to attend the conference.

MISS MAUD SMITH of Clarksburg is visiting MRS. ELLIE JOHNSON this week.

J. R. MCKINNEY of Tiptonville, Tennessee is visiting relatives here.

DAVE WOODS and wife of McLemoresville were visiting at the City Hotel.

JOE WILLIAMS and JOE HAWKINS, after spending several days in town, returned to

MRS. W. L. NOEL and children and MISS EVA PRINCE left for Atlanta, Georgia to

ELMORE WATSON went to Jackson last Sunday and remained until Tuesday evening in
order to exercise his citizenship by voting the democratic ticket.

City Items

Got to W. T WARREN’S for your oat meal and roll oats.

Cheap lot of fine shirts and gents’ underwear at J. T. FINLEY’S.

See S. N. WILLIAMS’ stock of ladies dress goods.

Buy tombstones and monuments from W. E HAILEY at McLemoresville.

PATTERSON, GIBSON & Co. of Nashville have the largest illustrated catalogue of
toys and holidays goods ever printed in the south.

McKenzie Items

GEORGE BLANKS of Trezevant was here.

HORACE HAWKINS of Huntingdon was here on business.

E. M. CONNELL moved to the cottage recently occupied by A. J. SEDBERRY.

MISS IDA MCRAE visited relatives at Camden.

S. F. HOWARD of Atwood and J. D. MCCLANAHAN of Rector, Arkansas were here.

BANKS BURROW of McTyeire Institute spent last week at his home in Medina due to

MARSH ATKISSON, associate editor of the Leader, went to Cincinnati on business.

MRS. W. H. MCKENZIE and MRS. G. W MCKENZIE and MISS GUSSIE returned from a
business trip to Nashville.

SAM BLAKE and sister MISS MARY of Bethel College visited home folks near Paris.

MISS NANNIE PLUMMER returned from visiting relatives at St. Louis.

M. L. MCKENZIE and family returned from Indian Territory, having to give up his
position due to bad health.

REV. R. C. DOUGLASS and REV. R. E. HOWELL of McTyeire preached for REV. J. H.
JOHNSON at Hollow Rock and Rosser.

MRS. ELLA, MISS VOLLA, and HERBERT BARKSDALE went to attend the fair at Union

The students of McTyeire Institute were addressed by REV. W. J. MCCOY of
Huntingdon and REV. H. B. JOHNSTON of Fulton.

NOEL COLLIER and JOHN RAMSEY weakened Wednesday when they heard the republican
vote in New York.

We are sorry to announce that MRS. JOHN PATE of the 22nd district was stuck with
paralysis last Monday night, losing the power of speech.

The Methodist pulpit here was filled by REV. V. W. ADAMS of Henning Station and
REV. H. B. JOHNSON of Fulton, Kentucky.

MISS ORA DESHONG of McTyeire accompanied by her friends, MISSES LINNIE LITTLE,
DORA HALL, and JESSIE MCCLINTOCK, visited homefolks at Trezevant.

GUY HALL has taken the agency here for MCEWEN Steam Laundry. He has his office
at CURTIS Brothers Drug Store and will give prompt attention to all goods
entrusted t him.

Our genial friend JNO. D. HERRON has accepted a position as traveling salesman
for MAY & VAUGHTER of New Orleans. We congratulate them in securing his service
as he is a very fine salesman.

The residence of WILL DINWIDDIE on Magnolia street was broken into last Sunday
night, however, the rascals received nothing as the family returned before
anything was taken.

DR. W. S. ALLEN, late of this place, now of Crawfordville, Arkansas, returned
home last Sunday to vote and to visit his family. He reports everything is on a
boom in Arkansas and expects to make it his home.

Notice to Creditors


Non-Resident Notice

J. A SHANE et al vs S. J. PEOPLES… Peoples is not a resident of Tennessee… hands
of J. C. MCCALL and W. H. EASON…

Chancery Sale of Real Estate


Chancery Sale of Real Estate

J. F. O'NEAL vs G. W HARRIS, A. E HILLSMAN, Bank of Louisville, Kentucky
National Bank

For notions, harness, saddles, hardware, stoves, guns, ammunition… see ADAMS
Brothers of Trezevant.

Friday, December 7, 1888
Vol. I, No. 47

Little Locals

PROF. ANDERSON closed his school.

J. P. JOHNSON is acting deputy trustee this week.

W. L. NOELL is speaking of building a resident on his lot on Lexington Street.

R. P. HALL and family of this county left for Texas, their future home.

MSS LELA PARKER, daughter of PRIEST PARKER of Henderson County, and sister of
LOUIS PARKER of town, died last Sunday.

WILLIAM WEAVER and ELLEN LACY of the 12th district were married Thursday of last
week, Esq. JOE LAYCOCK performing the ceremony.

MRS. MERRITT, wife of RILEY MERRITT who lives near town, died last Saturday. She
was fifty odd years old and quite an estimable lady.

The Building and Loan Association held is regular monthly sale last night. Two
hundred dollars were sold to DR. W. N. ENOCHS for $19.75.

The rink has been very well attended this week. The young people have a place to
go and this makes a very good gathering place.

Should our friend LAWHON of the Leader desire the position of coal oil inspector
at McKenzie, he should make BOB TAYLOR a present of a span of Texas ponies.

R. L. COMPTON of the 10th district was married to MISS METTIE MUZZELL of Henry
County Thursday of last week. May their future be a bright one.

NARCISSUS BUTLER and family have returned from the Choctaw Nation and will
locate on a farm near Clarksburg. Mrs. Butler is a sister of PROF. ANDERSON who
will live with them.

GEORGE N. FRIZZELL and family, who have been visiting in here and Henderson
County for several weeks, returned to their home in Texas today. They were
accompanied by MRS. DOC. KING and son.

W. W. NAPIER, president of the E. T V. & G. railroad, and W. G. SADLER,
president of the National Fertilizer works, were here a couple of days, bird

The sad intelligence reached here last Tuesday of the death of MRS. W. A.
HAWKINS of Silver City, New Mexico. She died last Monday and will be buried at
Nashville, the home of her people, tomorrow.

SID OLIVER and BUD PERRY had a misunderstanding last Saturday and attempted to
settle it in a manner much to the detriment of manly beauty of each. They
contributed $5 each to the city treasury.

MISS BETTIE BARKER, daughter of I. M. L. BARKER of this county, who has been in
the employ of the government for some time at KEARNS’ Canyon, Arizona, was
married Nov. 27 to SAMUEL BROWN of Holbrook, Arizona.

The infant son of S. WOOLBURG of our town was circumcised last Sunday evening
according to Jewish custom, by ROBERT ALTMAN of Nashville. A number of our
citizens attended the ceremonies and enjoyed the hospitalities that followed.

Only a few old people live to see their children reach their 50th birthday, but
WILSON NESBITT and wife, who live near town, are both over 80 years old and have
a son who reached his 52nd birthday. The old folks are in good health and seem
to be enjoying life.

J. R. THOMAS was married last Sunday to MISS MRTHA J. STACY at the home of the
bride’s brother, GEORGE W. STACY near town. The ceremony was performed by
JUDGE G. W HUMBLE of this place. It was a quiet affair, only a few of the
relatives and most intimate friends being present.

JOE TURNEY, the irrepressible recruiting agent for the penitentiary, was here
last Tuesday on his way from Decatur and Henderson Counties where he had been
after some prisoners.

The young people of Long Rock neighborhood had a very interesting social
gathering at MRS. REDDEN’S last Wednesday night. MISSES MAUDE RAGLAND, NANNIE
PINCKLEY, JANNIE PINCKLEY, LIZZIE FREEMAN and several other gentlemen attended
and report a good time. A fine supper was served.

WILL L. TRAYWICK and MISS WILLELLA GRAY were married last Wednesday at 1 p.m. by
G. W. HUMBLE. There ceremony was performed at the residence of MRS. REDDEN near
Long Rock. A number of relatives and friends were present. (Remainder of article
was torn)


D. H. C. MOORE of Humboldt is here.

WALTER CARNES went to McKenzie.

H. C. CLARK of McKenzie was here.

SAM HENDRICK went to Nashville.

J. H. BRAMLEY of McLemoresville was here.

U. H. SCOTT went to Nashville on business.

Sheriff SANDERS went across Sandy on business.

R. F. ROSS went to Dresden.

R. A COOPER of McLemoresville was here on business.

S. A BROWN, our county register, is in Mississippi.

J. B WARREN of Lavinia was here.

REV. R. T. BROWN went to Hollow Rock.

MISS BEULAH BRAMLEY of near McLemoresville was here shopping.

MRS. TURNER JOHNSON returned last Sunday from visiting relatives at Gleason,
Martin and Milan.

W. B. DINWIDDIE of the firm SPELLINGS, DINWIDDIE and Co. of McKenzie was here on

MRS. ANDERSON and MISS JOELLA NEWTON of McLemoresville shopped here.

County Court

JACOB TURNER renewed his bond as guardian of the minor heirs of M. J. WRIGHT,
deceased. MRS. N. N. WARLICK was appointed administrator of the estate of J. N.
WARLICK. J. D MOORE, T. A. MCNEILL, and A. E. BARNETT were appointed
commissioners to assign one year’s support for J. N. WARLICK’s widow and
family from the time of his death. W. A DINWIDDIE was appointed guardian for ED
and FRANK COOPER, heirs of F. M. COOPER. In the case of W. R. and J. R LEACH vs
PERSEY Patton et al… J. C. SURBER, executor for J.C. SURBER, was granted more
time.. E. W WILLIAMS, HOWARD HALL and T. J. DILL were appointed commissioners to
lay off and assign to H. M. COMPTON homestead and dower out of the lands of F.
S. COMPTON, deceased. BENJAMIN KENDALL offered his resignation as guardian of
WILLIE WATSON, minor heir of JOHN WATSON, deceased. The HEZIKIAH COBLE lands
were ordered to be held for division among the heirs.


D. B. BRYANT of this place and MRS. JENNIE GARDNER of Hickman were married at
the bride’s house in Hickman last Wednesday, REV. W. J. MCCOY of this place
performed the ceremony in a beautiful though impressive manner. RUFE MCCLAIN,
MRS. A. G HAWKINS, MRS. W. T WARREN and MISS MATTIE CARNES of this town attended
the wedding. The contracting parties and friends arrived here on the evening
train and repaired to the residence of A. BRYANT, father of the groom, where a
most excellent supper awaited them. A number of relatives and friends had
gathered at Mr. Bryant’s to bear testimony to the couple and to enjoy the
sumptuous supper so elegantly served by the family. The bride is a gifted and
cultured lady in every sense of those terms and enjoys the admiration and
confidence and cordial regard of the good people of her town. The groom is well
known to the readers of the Democrat as a perfect gentleman, and occupies the
position of mail agent for the N. C. & St. Lou! is railroad.

More Removals

DR. W. N. ENOCHS bought the GEORGE YOUNG place on Nashville and moved to it, and
MRS. DUNCAN moved the residence vacated by the doctor. ELLIE JOHNSON moved to
A.M. LEE’S place on Jackson street and DR. J. W. OWNBY is running the City
Hotel. MRS. A. W. HAKINS moved to the R. H. MCCLAIN place. UNCLE HARRY O. HOOD
moved to town, living in the TOM BRYANT residence. TRUSTEE PALMER rented MRS. A.
W. HAWKINS’ residence near town.

Masquerade Party

The young people did themselves proud last Friday in the masquerade party at R.
H. CARTER’S. It was the first of its kind they had gotten up for some time…
ELWOOD WATSON. Marriage licenses: P. HAYNES to TEMPS GREEN; J. R THOMAS to M. J.


MRS. RENA MARSHALL visited MRS. BURNS at McKenzie.

E. R. JOHNSON was in Jackson on business.


DR. BROWN rented the residence of Mr. ENLOE for next year.

BEN HILLSMAN and NAT HURDLE returned from Greenfield where they have been all

JOHN KIRBY, former resident, now of Greenfield, was here.

MISS ESTELLE HILLSMAN gave the young folks a sociable last Friday.

MISSES ETHEL and EDITH ROPER came home Thursday to have Thanksgiving…. Signed

McKenzie Items

COL. BOB MOORE of Milan was here.

WILL PALMER of Gleason visited friends here.

BOB PRATT of Bethel College visited at Trezevant.

Hon. A. H.MUNFORD of Clarksburg as here.

REV. E. H. LYLES of Bethel College went to visit homefolks at Humboldt.

DR. CURTIS and DR. GORDON and Capt. MEBANE went to the lake to hunt and fish.

MS. W. J. SEDBERRY visited the family of her father W. F SCATES.

WALTER CARNES, one of Huntingdon’s nicest young men, visited his sister and

CAPT. A. H. DUNCAN of the firm GROVE & DUNCAN druggists at Paris, was here en
route to Fulton, Kentucky.

MRS D. J. BOWDEN and family returned from Sharon where they visited the family

MISS ELLA COULTER of Bethel College was called home to Dyers where her sister is
very ill.

COL. HENRY HALL of Camden visited his children who are attending school at
McTyeire Institute.

W. O. MCLEAN, late depot agent of the L. & N. here, but now of Sheffield,
Alabama, was here.

WILIAM ELLIS of McTyeire Institute, who has been sick for several days at his
home in Crockett County, returned to school.

ARTHUR ALLEN, after suffering several weeks with rheumatism, is able to behind
the counters at MOORE & BURNS.

W. F RICHARDSON of Humboldt, a student at McTyeire Institute, is here traveling
for the People’s Mutual Benefit Association of Elkhart, Indiana.

from Greenfield Sunday and spent the day with MISSES LINNIE LITTLE and ORA

Building: MR. BERRYHILL and MR. FOSTER, each building on Magnolia street; GEORGE
JONES is building on his lot recently bought from the Pate estate.

Shot in the Mouth

Two little brothers of JOE DUDLEY, colored, who lives between Huntingdon and
Hico, one seven and the other nine years old, were playing with a pistol last
Saturday, the younger one got shot in the mouth, knocking out several teeth and
lodging in front of the right ear. DR. MCCALL and DR. COX removed the ball and
the little fellow is doing quite well.

Macedonia Items

DR. G B. GORDON went to lake, killed one duck, and returned.

MISS SALLIE LANKFORD of Henry County visited the family of N. LANKFORD.

MISS ROBBIE KIRBY is visiting friends in Henry County.

D. H. PRITCHARD went to Clarksburg.

THOMAS LANKFORD will go to McKenzie as a salesman for the firm of PLUMMER, MAYS & Co.

Northern people continue to pour into the 9th district at a considerable rate.
We extend to them all a hearty welcome.

MRS. SWAIN is very low with bronchitis.

JACK RANDLE of McKenzie was here.

J. W GORDON completed his new house.

T. N. LANKFORD was appointed assistant correspondent to the agricultural
department from Carroll County.

SAM SPARKS accompanied by MISS DORA LANKFORD visited McKenzie Sunday.

The family of MR. DAVIS, after visiting in Indiana, returned home.