The People's Paper
The People's Paper
Huntingdon, Carroll County, Tennessee
September 1, 1874
Vol. I, No. 23
Local News
MILT PRIEST realized about $125 from his watermelon crop to this time.
Dr. MURRAY commenced working on his new residence on East Paris Street.
Judge NORMAN, our worthy postmaster, is confined to his room with sickness.
DUG JAMISON, formerly a resident here, is reported as one of the Negroes taken
out of jail at Trezevant last week and shot.
BEVERLY GRIZZARD informs us that a severe storm of wind and rain passed over
Springville, Henry County, last Saturday.
MRS. MOLLIE SELIGMAN of Memphis has been visiting her relatives here.
HIRAM C. HORTON and family of Calhoun County, Mississippi are visiting relatives
here. Mr. Horton reports good crops in his portion of Mississippi.
Messrs. HERRON, CONNOR & Co., commission merchants of Memphis, present
themselves to the public through our advertising this week. R. F. HERRON is a
Carroll County man, being the son of our former townsman, W. W. HERRON.
COCHRANE—At the residence of Judge Jo. R. HAWKINS on the 31st of pulmonary
consumption, MAJOR PETER COCRHANE, of Dresden, Age 36 years. MCADOO—At his
residence near this place this morning, J. R MCADOO. DELANEY—Near McKenzie on
the 25th of congestion, R. A. DELANEY. Please Observe—I would most respectfully
call the attention of those who subscribed to the building of the Christian
Church at this place to the fact that the brick work of said building is now
completed. The wood work will soon be in progress and the money subscribed is
now very much needed… E. FALKNER, treasurer of building committee.
Police Court
WILLIAM LEMONS is such a convivial man that he can't come to town without
getting under the influence of his “toddy” and when in this condition, has
an irresistible inclination to be noisy and boisterous. He has several times
been fined and imprisoned for his conduct. Capt. DOUGLASS found him in this
condition a few nights ago and marched him off to jail. The next day he was
taken before the Mayor and fined.
WILLIAM MCADOO, living in what is known as the Forks of the Creek, is confined
to his room with dropsy. He is one of the oldest citizens of the county.
J. A. COVINGTON, the efficient city marshal of McKenzie, has been sick.
A protracted meeting is being conducted here under the control of Elders GRACE,
GARDNER, and ARNOLD of the Baptist Church.
New Law Firm
A.G. HAWKINS and H. C. TOWNES are formed a partnership in the practice of law.
Notice: all persons in want of cypress shingles can get them at any and all
times, delivered in cars, at $4.00 per thousand. I. C. YARBROUGH, agent at
Newspaper Change
The McKenzie Times will be moved here and its name changed to “The Huntingdon
Times” with Capt. W. H. HAWKINS in charge of the political part of the paper.
A.T. ROBERTS of McKenzie bought a half interest in the National Hotel at
Fresh Beef—I have fitted up a stall in the cellar of BRIANT & HARRISON'S where I
am prepared to furnish beef of the best quality the market affords. R. W.
Our readers will be glad to know that the report in circulation last week of the
death of REV. J. M. DAVIS was premature. He has been quite sick, but is
Emigrant—A party of five young men will Clarksburg for Texas today.
Pro and Con
Col. JNO. A. GARDNER and W. E. ROGERS, a majority of the West Tennessee Insane
Asylum Commissioners, have submitted a report to the governor:… (about the
location of the facility).
Sheriff Sale
… E. W. WILLIAMS, Sheriff of Carroll County… in the case of L. R. LIPSEY vs M.H.
and W. A. CRIDER as security for the sum of $932.26… land bordered by JOHN OWEN,
Trustee's Sale
By virtue of a deed of trust made to me as Trustee by LEWIS NORWOOD on the 28th
day of August, 1858, to secure JOHN NORWOOD in a debt of $212.00 duly July 15,
1860, I will on Tuesday, the 22nd day of Sept, 1874, expose for public sale to
the highest bidder for CASH upon the premises the following tract of land…
bordered by JAMES J. PINKSTON, … estimation 379 acres.
T. R. SMITH.. cotton factors
Special Notices
I am convinced that you are satisfied with your spectacles from many thanks
which I receive each day. M. H. LEVY.
Carriers for the People's Paper.
W. Y. FUQUA is the authorized traveling agent. E. P. RANDLE is the agent at
McKenzie. W. H. MCCLAIN at Marlboro, DR. J. M. PUGH at Hollow Rock, JOHNSON,
WALKER & PARISH at Clarksburg.
V. S. GILLISPIE with MCCARTHY & BAYLESS at Louisville, Kentucky
Nolan Hotel at N. & N. W. R.R. depot in Waverly, W. H. MCCUTCHEON, prop.
St. Charles Hotel on Market St. near the Square at Nashville, J. M. ARMSTRONG,
Tin Shop, opened one door below A.D. BENNETT'S Saloon, G. F. BOWERS.
Land Sale
THOMAS E. JONES wishes to sell his farm 8 miles north of Huntingdon of 1890
acres, six room dwelling, kitchen, outhouses, good orchard, plentiful supply of
spring water. Land Sale B. F. HATCH et al vs JAMES A. HATCH
Dental Notice
J. Y. CRAWFORD, Dentist, would respectfully inform the citizens of Huntingdon
that he has taken rooms over the store of CARTER, HARRISON & Co. where he will
meet persons desiring anything in the dental line the first week of each month.
Johnson House on west side of public square at Huntingdon, R. J. JOHNSON, prop.
A.A. O'KANE, fashionable tailor with shop over CHRISTENBERRY'S Saloon.
Political candidates
J. D. ATKINS for congress from the 8th district of the counties of McNairy,
Hardin, Decatur, Perry, Benton, Henry, Carroll, Madison and Henderson.
MAJ. L. M. BECKERDITE for state senator from Gibson and Carroll counties
R. P. COLE of Paris, Tenn. For Floater to represent the counties of Carroll,
Henry, Weakley and Gibson in next General Assembly.
W. W. HALL to represent the Floterial District composed of the counties of
Henry, Carroll, Weakley, and Gibson.
G. J. ADAMS of the 2nd district as representative
W. E. CURTIS to represent Carroll County in the lower branch
New Drug Store on southwest corner of public square of Huntingdon, J. W. OWNBY &
Ramsey's Drug Store, J. S. RAMSEY, prop.
McKenzie Advertisements Bethel College, REV. W. W. HENDRIX, President
McKenzie Male and Female College, R. C. IRBY A.M., E. H. RANDLE, A.M., expenses,
tuition, board, fuel, lights and washing, $75 to $90 per five months.
W. R. ST. CLAIR, practical watch maker at McKenzie
SNEED, GILBERT & Co., manufacturers and dealers in dressed lumber, flour, meal,
McKenzie Hotel, MRS. E. J. and A. T. ROBERTS, proprietors
JOHN C. EZZELL with PIGUE, MANIER, HALL, & Co., manufacturers and wholesale
dealers in boots and shoes.
The News
A few Chinamen have located at Nashville, and have established a laundry.
NANCY CLEMONS, a colored girl at Bristol, Tenn., attempted to kindle a fire in a
stove with coal oil. She burned to death.
Two companies of volunteer militia were organized at Jackson last week. JOHN
FREEMAN and J. T. MCCUTCHEON were elected captains.
MRS. NANCY HARRIS, living near Milan, was seriously if not fatally injured a few
days ago by the horse she was riding, reared back and fell on her.
Col. THOMAS H. BAKER, of the Dresden Democrat has become an associate editor or
something of that sort on one of the Paducah papers.
A mass meeting was held at Memphis a few nights ago to express the indignation
of the community at the Trenton murder at which JEFFERSON DAVIS, Ex-Governor
HARRIS and General FORREST made speeches.
Bloody Tragedy—article about the killing of men in Gibson County who were in
custody, taken out and killed
Execution Sale
By virtue of a Fi FA directed to me, THOMAS E. JONES, coroner of Carroll
County,.. in the case of the State vs WILLIAM A. BRITT and sureties for the sum
of $10,964.40… will expose for sale these lands:
One tract bordered by lands of BUNN, ROBERTSON, B. N. SPARKS' heirs, ANDERSON,
One tract bordered by GORDON'S heirs, B. N. SPARKS' heirs Both of above tracts
levied upon as the property of ISACC SPARKS to satisfy said Fi Fa, One tract
One tract bordered by lands of F. M. STOKER, ELISHA ROWE, G. D CO, E. W.
One tract bordered by lands of G. D. COX, JAMES BARNHART, J. C. WARE, E. W.
One tract bordered by lands of PRITCHARD, WALL, PARKER, TILSON, levied upon
property of J. C. PARKER to satisfy the Fi Fa.