The Carroll County Democrat
Carroll County Democrat
Huntingdon, Tennessee
November 20, 1860
Killed by a Limb
MS. J. H. NEISLER of the 11th district was killed by a falling limb Tuesday,
Nov. 10. She was picking cotton and the wind blew a limb from a dead tree
standing near. It struck her on the head. From the Lexington Republican.
C. P. Church
MISS ANNIE MELTON, the returned missionary from Turkey, will deliver an address
at the C. P. church next Sunday morning.
Stable Ruined
Last Friday morning, GEORGE ABBOTT"S livery stable at Trezevant was destroyed by
fire. It is supposed the fire caught from the stove in the office.
Henderson County Tragedy
J. DYER, a prominent farmer and timber man of Henderson County, justice of the
peace for many years, shot and seriously wounded JAMES RICHARDSON, a young
farmer, at Lexington. The trouble was from a lawsuit. Richardson died.
A Bugg Short
Wednesday night of last week JOHN R. BUGG, for a number of years collector for
the Nashville Gas Light, was arrested.. He was making his escape when arrested
by DORSEY BRYANT who carried him back to Nashville.
Farewell Sermon
Two of Huntingdon"s pastors preached farewell sermons last Sunday, REV. W. T.
SULLIVAN of the C. P. Church and REV. J. W. WATERS of the M. E. Church South. ..
To the Knights of Pythias
REV. W. T. SULLIVAN preached last Sunday night a sermon for the Knights of
Little Locals
A.M. LEE was in Nashville.
JOE FALKNER is spending the week at home
SAM MARTIN of Atwood came last Sunday.
ELDER H. A. BROWN preached at Lexington.
J. T PEELER was in Camden.
JOE GARDNER is here with homefolks.
SEBE SCOTT went to Wildersville to visit his mother.
DR. H. D. MCGILL of Clarksburg was here Wednesday.
JOE WILLIAMS was in Nashville buying goods.
WILL KING, south of town, has typhoid.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. HORACE ORR last Monday night, a daughter.
OSCAR HOLLADAY of Holladay was here on business.
DR. E. D. BOSTICK is visiting his daughter in Henderson County.
DR. W. M. WRIGHT was called to see a patient in Benton County.
GUY HALL returned home.
A colt kicked a little child of L. M. MORRISETT last week, cutting its lip
An entertainment was given at GEORGE T. MCCALL"S last Wednesday.
ROBERT ROBINSON of the 20th district paid this office a pleasant call.
D. R. MCASKILL and wife of the 10th district were here shopping.
JOE PATTERSON visited the homefolks in the 3rd district.
MRS. LULA CHAMBERS of McKenzie visited friends here.
MISS JIMMIE ASKINS of Terrell is here visiting her sister MRS. W. W. BULLINGTON.
CAPT. BILL HALLUM and CLINT HALLUM of Henry County were in town on business.
ALLEN LITTLE of the 20th district was made the happy father of a baby girl last
MISSES LUDIE PARISH and LUDIE HILL of Clarksburg were here shopping.
ALLEN and HOWARD EASON went to McLemoresville and went hunting.
JOHN C. SWEENEY of Paris was here looking after business for J. J. HEAD & Son.
DR. W. N. ENOCHS requests those indebted to him to call and settle at once and
save further trouble.
MISS EVA MARTIN, who was sick at the university, returned home in the 20th
ELVAI MORGAN was in the 19th district. He reports catching two fine buffaloes.
J. P. BRAMLEY and J. W. WILLIAMSON of the 20th district were in town on
MISS PAYTON TREVETHAN returned home after visiting relatives here.
R. Y CARTER and wife of Atwood visited relatives here.
HAYDEN SMITH of Trezevant accepted a position in the drug store of his uncle
HAYDEN WILSON. Printed in the Martin Mail.
There was preaching at the M. E. church last Sunday by the pastor REV. G. W
SION PARISH and son BRAWDY and CHARLES S. ROGERS of the 25th district were in
CAPT. S. W. HAWKINS and COL. T. H. BAKER went to Nashville to attend the
Republican conference.
F. E JOHNSON wishes to express to his friends his hearty appreciation of the
many favors shown him during the recent illness of his wife.
Representative elect O. L. CUMMINGS and EDGAR THOMAS of Jeannette, Tennessee
were in town on business.
JOHN NEELY of Huntingdon was the guest of his cousins and a sweetheart in the
city a few hours last week. Printed in the Greenfield Times.
SAM VAWTER, who left this county about two years ago for the west, returned from
Texas to the 20th district, satisfied to make this his home.
DR. J. H. MCCALL, who has been in New York for some time taking a post graduate
course in the treatment of the eye, ear and throat, has returned and can be
found in his office.
Judge A. G HAWKINS and wife, Professor A. J. G. WELLS, A. T. BREVARD, and L. E.
BREVARD and MRS. W. H. EASON and others are attending the conference at Jackson.
TOM CARROLL"S boys, who live on D. R. MCASKILL"S place in the 10th district,
caught a fine large raccoon Monday night that had a Bryan button tied around its
We understand that the C. P. church has called REV. ADAIR of Adairsville,
Kentucky as pastor for the next year.
ROBERT DENNISON and MRS. GEORGE W. MOORE were married in the 16th district of
Henderson County last Sunday. Mr. Dennison is 80 years old and the bride 72
years. She has been a widow 40 years. Mr. Dennison has many great-grandchildren
and was one of the first settlers in the county.
MS. T. W. ROGERS came very near getting seriously burned at JOHN CONYERS" last
Monday. Her little boy was playing in the yard, set some leaves on fire, while
trying to put out the fire, Mrs. Rogers"s dress caught and the immediate
intervention of MRS. CONYERS prevented her from being badly burned.
R. P. ROACH of Atwood was in town mixing with Democratic friends. Mr. Roach is
an applicant for the position of deputy warden at the penitentiary under GOV.
SHERIFF J. P. HAYNES, accompanied by ED. F. MORTON as best man, left Wednesday
night for Trenton where the sheriff was married to MRS. MARY HUNT MOORE. Printed
in the Post-Intelligencer.
Swift Vengeance
Election Frauds
A Negro Shot
SAM MCDONALD, a Negro living in the 19th district, was called from his home and
shot. DR. J. B. COX dressed the wound.
Hinson Springs Fire
Hinson Springs Hotel, a popular summer resort near Lexington, burned last
Friday. Proprietor J. H. LONG and wife were in Jackson at the time and the
origin of the fire is not known.
MRS. F. E. JOHNSON, who lived a few miles southeast of town, died Saturday of
consumption. She had been sick a long time and suffered a great deal. She was a
member of the M. E. Church South and a noble Christian woman. She leaves a
husband and three children and a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn
her death. Burial was Sunday in the presence of a large number of sympathizing
Mistreated and Robbed
From last Sunday"s American: JOSHUA NEACE and his wife, an aged couple, and a
young nephew ALEX FARLER and his wife dwell together on a farm 20 miles east of
Jackson in this county. Farler does most of the work as his uncle is 72 years
old. Last Monday night they were the victim of the cruelest and boldest robbery
that has occurred in the county in a long time. A band visited them and the
two men were hanged by the neck to a tree until they told where their money was.
They were robbed of about $80 after being terribly mistreated. The good women
were subjected to many insults, but Mrs. Neace ran out with $200 and hid in the
woods, saving that much.
Being Improved
The McKenzie Hotel is undergoing some splendid improvements. W. A. TODD, the
proprietor, furnishes an excellent table and with the new attractions being
added, the hotel will certainly be a “drummers" home.”
A Grewsome Find
A few days ago, a dog belonging to ABE JOHNSON of Henderson County was seen with
an arm and hand of a man in his mouth. Investigation found in the woods, near a
log, the remains of a man covered with brush. Other scavengers have destroyed a
portion. Three bullet holes were found in the skull. His hair and beard were
almost red, dead about two weeks. No one knew him and there were no papers to
identify him.
McLemoresville Items
WILL DAVIS of Friendship, Crockett county, has been mingling with relatives and
friends here. He and M. DAVIS left for Friendship Monday.
CALVIN NEWBILL of the 19th district was here.
MARK DAWSON and JAKE BELEW of Huntingdon were here Monday.
MISS LILLIE HARVEY commenced a school at McKinney"s school house in the 20th
district. She is an exemplary young lady and we wish her success in her new
field of work.
HON. ROBERT MCKINNEY was in the eastern part of the county.
JOHN HAILEY and wife visited in Huntingdon.
MISS LULA ROGERS of Lavinia came for examination by MRS. HURDLE. She will teach
the primary department at Lavania.
G. D. GRAINGER of Gallatin visited the HAILEY home.
MRS. R. M. CARTER and daughter CLARA visited relatives here.
LONNIE PARK of Alamo spent Sunday here.
TOMMIE JOHNSON, after an absence of several months, returned home.
Yuma Dots
W.B. HESER is running his gin full time.
PROF. J. T. MOORE and wife returned from a visit at Westport.
C. W. WADE, insurance man, is here.
J. L. GOOCH sold J. C. GOOCH & Co. at Jackson, 86 bales of cotton.
JNO. WELLS of Clarksburg was her.
MRS. I. J. BLOUNT is visiting her father"s family.
WILLIE FRYER and TOM BELEW attended church at New Hope.
BUD GOOCH and LUTHER SMALL have business at Westport quite often. Don"t ask them
how they return.
MISS IDA WILLIAMS is visiting relatives at Westport.
ALVIN MCGILL of Memphis passed on his way to Clarksburg to see his brother DR.
WILLIAM JAMISON and wife visited J. H. MCCALL"S family.
L. L. SPELLINGS was here Monday.
PROF. J. T. MOORE opened the free school Monday night with large attendance,
larger than he anticipated.
Not Dead
Some weeks ago, the Carroll County Democrat pubished that JAMES M. LOONEY of
Gleason had been killed by MR. CANNON Oct. 5. Mr. Looney requests us to state
that he is not dead and can be found selling groceries, hop-tonic and cider at
Gleason. He says Mr. Cannon is dead.