McKenzies of Reynolds County Trace Ancestors Back to Native Scotland
By Kathryn Vickery
The earliest records on the Mackenzie family (the name as later
changed to McKenzie by the branch which emigrated to America) dates back to the
My Great-Great Grandfather was Laird Mackenzie (first name not available) who
was the
hereditary head of the Mackenzie Clan with his home castle in the mountains of
in the Scottish Highlands near the north-western coast of Scotland.
As a matter of fact, among his other large land holdings were some on the Arian
between the coast of Scotland and Ireland. Some of the MacKenzie family are
to have emigrated to Ireland during the uprising of the serfs in the 1600s but
branch of the family still maintained their holdings in the Scottish Highlands.
sister Iras visited Scotland several years ago and found many landmarks,
plaques, cemeteries and other records of the family still there and a few years
the Castle of Kental was featured in the National Geographic Magazine with
pictures of
the present Laird and Clan Chief. The castle has, of course, been restored but
much of
the original building is still there.
Although a younger son entitled to bear the title of Sir nee his older brother
was to
inherit the title of Laird, Sir Marion Mackenzie was expected to follow his
wishes and marry in the clan or at least a lady of noble birth, however, he met
fell in love with the daughter of a wealthy merchant family who lived near
Scotland, and since his father refused him permission to marry he defied family
clan tradition and quietly married this girl.
Her given name was America but we have no record of her last name, and
immediately cut
all family ties and sailed to America. Upon landing in New York soon joined a
colonizing party and sailed south in a coastal vessel for Charleston, South
From Charleston they proceeded to North Carolina where they took up lands. While
living in North Carolina the following children were born to Sir Marion and
Mackenzie, Henry, Katherine, Bell, and Mary Elizabeth.
In or about the year of 1850 the family migrated to Tennessee near the spot
where the
town of Mackenzie, Tennessee, now stands. It has never been established as to
or not this town was named for this family but it is considered highly likely
the town came into existence at about that same time. After the families moved
Tennessee the following children were born, Alexander, William, Frances, Jane,
Betty Anne, Pauline and Dorcas.
Sir Marion was drowned in a tragic steam boat explosion near the mouth of the
Tennessee river leaving America with a large family to raise. According to the
told to Dr. D. H. McKenzie by his aunt Katherine, aged 90, when he visited her
Tennessee in 1891, she as the eldest daughter found it necessary to take over
managing of the household and most of the responsibility for her younger
and sisters since her mother, although not of the nobility, had been raised in a
wealthy home with many servants to do all the menial chores and she was at an
loss when faced with the running of a home and the raising of a large family
in what was, at that time, practically a wilderness.
Aunt "Kath" (as she was affectionately known) had the family dry sense of humor
explained the fact that she had remained a spinster all her life (as had her
Bell and Mary Elizabeth) by saying she had been too busy managing the home and
raise the younger children and added that, in defiance of custom at that time,
she had
managed to obtain an education far beyond what was deemed proper for a lady. In
own words the fact that she knew as much or perhaps a little more than they
off any would be suitors. While still a teenager my Uncle Alex had some of my
published and he told me he did so wish, my Great Aunt Kath could see them as
would be proud of her namesake.
The greater part of this large family either stayed in Tennessee or the
Carolinas and
little is known of their history.
Henry Woods McKenzie was born April 10, 1835, in North Carolina. He was married
16, 1856, to Arvezena Wells who was born July 11, 1836. Arvezena and her
family had
emigrated from Wales and, as is typical of the Welsh people was a very
efficient person and made a wonderful pioneer wife and mother. She had a
sense of humor which was passed on to her children and one of the highlights of
childhood was when some of my aunts and uncles visited and tales of family life
practical jokes played on each other were related amid much laughter until bed-
time and beyond. Henry and Arvezena lived in Tennessee the first 10 years of
married life and during this time the following children were born, Sarah Jane,
11, 1857;Laura Valentine, Jan. 29, 1859; Maryline, Feb. 9, 1861; David Henry,
July 8,
1863. With David Henry still an infant and another child on the way Grandmother
Arvezena and Grandfather Henry gathered their children and the bare necessities
living together into a covered wagon and set out for Missouri.
My sister Iras still has the large brass kettle grandmother used to cook meals
for her
family over an open fire wherever they stopped on the trail. Grandmother told
wonderful stories of this trip and of their pioneer days. Their children were
educated far beyond the average of that day, although money was not available
education and most of them worked their way through whatever schooling they
could get.
David Henry (or D.H. as he became known) became one of the first doctors to
in Reynolds county, William (Willie) became a minister, and Alexander (Alex),
and Arvezena became school teachers. In addition to their own large family the
McKenzies raised a granddaughter Delia Lewis Markum. Delia's mother died in
and Delia was raised as a much loved younger sister to the aunts and uncles.
Grandfather McKenzie was a very religious man and when the Lewis family, another
old and well established family who lived on lower Carver Creek at that time,
land for a church he and his sons pitched in to build a small chapel, "Emily's
Chapel," which stood until about four years ago when it was destroyed by
vandals. Iras
and I visited the adjoining cemetery and seeing how it was falling down and the
benches being chopped up for camp fires decided to retrieve three of the solid
benches (the most uncomfortable I have ever sat on), loaded them into my station
and started looking for someone to pay for them. We finally located an elderly
man who
lived nearby and when we explained who we were and why we wanted to preserve
them he
told us he knew of no one with a better right to them since our father had, at
age 15
or 16, made most of the benches and our grandfather had been largely responsible
the building of the church and the maintenance of the cemetery next to the
The McKenzies were of the Methodist faith but since there were no other churches
that area at that time it was opened as an Interdenominational church and any
encouraged to use it. For many years until the death of my aunt Amanda (Mandy)
McKenzie Dunn the family met there each year from all over Missouri and
sometimes from
further distances for Decoration Day. At this time we had a general grave
followed by a church service conducted by a minister available followed by
"Dinner on
the Ground."
Three or perhaps four generations of youngsters, many of whom are now parents
grandparents, have many wonderful memories of those family get-togethers and
when we
do get together now we enjoy reminiscing about the fun and scrapes we got into
then as
well as the family feeling and inspiration kept alive by these yearly reunions.
In speaking of this branch of the McKenzie family and their home life I feel one
that should be mentioned is their love for singing which is inherent in the
people and to a degree in those of Scottish descent. Their . singing talent was
in demand for weddings, funerals and other occasions throughout the area and it
nothing unusual for them to drive miles over rough roads in buggies or wagons to
their talent with others with no thought of pay. Although Henry and Arvezena
lived for
some time in Lesterville at the home of their son, Dr. D.H. McKenzie, while he
practiced medicine there, and Arvezena was living with my parents near Garwood
at the
time of her death, they were returned to the family cemetery on lower Carver
less than a mile from the old homestead for burial. Henry Woods McKenzie died
Dec. 25,
1904, aged 69 years, 8 months and 15 days, and Arvezena Wells McKenzie died Feb.
1915, aged 78 years, 6 months and 28 days.
Sarah Jane McKenzie was united in marriage to a member of the Lewis family who
long been neighbors and friends of her family. She was the mother of Delia Lewis
Markum but died in childbirth when her second child was born. This child was a
who only survived his mother for a short time.
Laura Valentine McKenzie was to become Mrs. Thompson. In addition to raising the
children of her husband, who was a widower, she had three daughters of her own.
Thompson Zimmers, who spent most of her life in Matthews, Mo., where her husband
farmed, started teaching at an early age and continued teaching in the Matthews
until shortly before her death. A second daughter, Lou Thompson Ducket, was
married to
Joseph Ducket of Advance, Mo. Lou was also a well known educator and until
arthritis forced her retirement served as principal at the public schools in
Her husband Joe and her two daughters Nadine and Helen of Washington D.C.
survive her.
Laura's third daughter Elzie is also deceased and is survived by her two sons
Paul and
After the death of Thompson, Laura was remarried and at the time of her death
was Mrs.
Laura Dejonski.
Maryline McKenzie was also married to a member of the Lewis family but died at
birth of her first child and is buried at the family cemetery beside her mother
father, her sister Sarah Jane and near her sisters Amanda and Laura. This
will be continued in a later issue of the Reynolds County Courier.