Misc. Carroll County "Ruff" Deeds
Submitted by

1830: LAND DEED: 1-21-1830:  JOHN RUFF buys 300 acres from John Polk of
Raleigh, NC for $2400.00 at Carroll Co., TN.  Witnessed by Stephen EASON and
1836:  LAND DEED:  11-9-1836:  JOHN RUFF buys 200 acres more or less from
Moses BRATTON in Carroll Co., TN for $600.00, witnessed by JOHN L RUFF.
1837:  Acts of Tennessee 1831-1850: R (part 4)  JOHN RUFF,  p. 43, Carroll
Co.,- Huntingdon, Camden, and Reynoldsburg Turnpike Company.
1839:  LAND DEED: 1-12-1839:  JOHN RUFF buys 60 acres from Henry Smith,
Carroll Co., TN.
1839:  LAND DEED:  1-25-1839:  JOHN RUFF buys 833 1/3 acres from Henry
Smith. Carroll Co., TN.1840, January 20th:  Deed Book E, pgs 21,22:  John
RUFF to Anderson BROOKS for 200 acres Sandy River:
This Indenture made and entered into this the 20th day of January in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.  Between John RUFF of
the State of Tennessee and County of Carroll of the one part and Anderson
BROOKS of the same place of the other part  Witnesseth, that for and in
consideration of the sum of Six hundred dollars to him the said John RUFF in
hand paid by the said Anderson BROOKS the receipt hereof is hereby fully
acknowledged and the said John RUFF hath bargained and sold and by these
presents doth bargain and sell unto the said Anderson BROOKS a certain tract
or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County aforesaid and
bounded as follows to Wit, beginning at the South West corner of Ransom KING
’s land a hickory corner and runs thence East with KING’s line to Sandy
River Thence up the river to the South boundary Thence West to a corner
thence to the Beginning it being supposed to be two hundred acres be the
same more or less and I the said John RUFF do covenant and agree to and with
the said Anderson BROOKS he the said Anderson BROOKS shall and may have
peacable and quiet possession of said land free and clear ever according to
the true intent and meaning hereof
Signed Sealed and delivered in presents of us the date above written
Test John RUFF
Lewis Finch-John L. RUFF
State of Tennessee}  Personally appeared before me Young W. ALLEN Clerk of
the County Carroll County      }  Court of Carroll County John RUFF who I am
personally acquainted with and acknowledge that he assigned the within Deed
to Anderson BROOKS for the contents herein mention and on the day it bares
date hereof.  Witness my hand at office this 4th May 1840
Y. W. ALLEN Clerk
Registered 13th May A. D. 1840
Witness Jno K. CLARK Registrar of Carroll County
1843, November 13th: Deed Book F, pg. 10:  RUFF John Bill of sale Negro girl
State of Tennessee} For and in consideration of the sum of four hundred
dollars in hand paid by John S. MOORE of the County and State aforesaid
Carroll County      }  I have this day sold him a Negro Girl named LETTIS
about fifteen years of age which girl I warrant to be sound & healthy I also
warrant the title of said Girl to said MOORE from the title or claim of any
other person or persons whatsoever this the 13th day of Nov 1843
Test  Y. W. ALLEN John RUFF
Sate of Tennessee}  Personally appeared before me Young W. ALLEN Clerk of
the county Carroll County     }Court of said County John RUFF with whom I am
personally acquainted and who acknowledged that he signed the within Bill of
Sale for the purpose therein set forth and on the day it bears date. Given
under my hand at office this 13th day of November 1843
Came to hand at 1 O'clock P. M. Nov. 13th 1843 and Registered this 15th day
of Nov. 1843
Witness  Jno K. CLARK Register
1846:  January 5-1846;  JOHN RUFF and Stephen Eason purchase 2 slaves,
Gemima and Elizabeth from Gilly Moore with the stipulation that if he pays
off a certain debt and has the money he will buy them back giving 20 days
notice.  Carrol Co., TN. (Gilly lived two houses away in 1840.)
1847, June 23rd: Deed Book G, pg. 77:   Lucius Polk to John Ruff 300 acres.
1849:  DEED: Sept 24, 1849: Bill of sale Carroll Co., Tennessee from JOHN
RUFF to B F RUFF. $550.00 for one 17 year old Negro boy named Richard.
Regst. 30 Oct 1849. Register of deeds, Carroll Co., TN Vol G: Feb 1847- Jul
1850, pg 426/27. FHL 944,084
1852:  June 23, 1852: GIFT DEED--- JOHN RUFF gives parcels of 161 and 200
acres of his land and 2 slaves, Nancy abt 15 yrs and Alexander, abt 5yrs to
his son, JAMES GRAY RUFF for love and affection.  Carrol Co., TN.
1852:  June 23, 1852: GIFT DEED---JOHN RUFF gives what looks like 400 acres,
the mansion house and farm and two slaves, Ruth, age 6 yrs and Charles, age
abt 6, for love and affection.  to son REDMAN RENN RUFF, Carroll Co., TN.
1852:  June 23, 1852: GIFT DEED---JOHN RUFF gives an estimated 250-300 acres
and slaves Sam abt 10 yrs, and Candis, abt 7 yrs old to WILLIAM H. RUFF,
Carroll Co. TN.

1836: DEED:  Deed Book D, p. 78.  10-27-1836, Henry RUFF buys land in

Carroll Co., TN from Thomas W. KING; 200 acres for $600.00. witnessed by
what looks like Jeff RUFF.
1844:  DEED:  Book F, pgs. 82-83.  3-11-1844, Henry RUFF buys land in
Carroll Co., TN from Ramsey HENDERSON; 200 acres for $60.07.
1844:  DEED:  Henry RUFF sells land in Carroll Co., TN to John BRATTON 325
acres for $325.00.
1854, November 3rd:  Deed book L, pg. 132:  Carroll County, TN
I  JAMES G. RUFF have this day Bargained and sold & do by these presents
Bargain Sell & convey to Wm PALMER his heirs and assigns forever for the
consideration of Three Hundred & Ten dollars to me paid a certain tract of
land bounded as follows  Beginning at a forked horn beam on the West bank of
Sandy River Rueben OSIERS E corner Running Thence west 236 poles to a stake
with large Black oak Pointers Said OSIERS corner thence North 42 ½ poles to
a stake thence east 204 poles to a stake on Sandy River Thence up the center
of the bed of said Stream to the Beginning about 50 poles containing by
estimation Sixty Two & ¼ acres be the same more or less to have and to hold
the same to the said Wm PALMER his heirs and assigns forever I do covenant
with the said Wm PALMER that I am Lawfully seized of said land and have a
good right to convey it and that it is unincumbered   I do further covenant
and bind myself my heirs and representatives to warrant and forever defend
the title to the said of land and every part thereof against the lawful
claims of any and all persons whatever Givn under my hand and seal in the
county of Carroll & State of Tennessee the 3rd day of Nov 1854 AD 1854
State of Tennessee} Personally appeared before me W. H. Graves clerk of the
county Carroll County       } Court of said county J. G. RUFF Grantor with
whom I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged that he signed the
witness deed for the purpose therein contained and on the day it bears date
witness my hand at office this 1st of May 1855
W. H. GRAVES Clerk
Came to hand at 11 O’clock A. M. on the 7th May 1855
B. F. HARRISON Register


1855, January 3rd:  Deed book K, pg 679 Carroll County, TN
I, J. G. RUFF of the County of Carroll and State of Tennessee have this day
bargained & sold and do now transfer and convey to Joseph LUTER…to him and
> his heirs…for and in consideration of the sum of Sixteen hundred and Ten
> Dollars to me the said J. G. RUFF in hand paid by the Joseph LUTER the
Receipt of which is hereby acknowledged a certain piece or parcel of land
lying and being in the 16th Civil District Carroll County and State of
Tennessee bounded as follows.
Beginning at a stake in Martins or Ruffs Creek with a black gum pointer
Anderson BROOKS South West corner and being the NW corner of the JOHN RUFFs
tract of land running due South with the East Boundary of the DEARING Survey
322 poles to a stake with Dogwood pointers the SW corner of the tract Thence
due East 84 poles to a stake with Dogwood pointers and hickory and red oak
Thence due North 272 poles to a white oak with pointers Thence West 19 poles
to a Sassafras and hickory with pointers Thence due north 21 poles to a
white oak pointers Thence West 16 poles to a Stake with Large white oak and
Small water oak pointers Thence due North 50 poles to a stake in Martins or
Ruffs Creek with black gum water oak and dead Maple pointers Thence up said
Creek as it meanders to the Beginning containing about 161 acres be the same
more or less  To have and to hold the same to the said Joseph LUTER his
heirs and assigns forever.  I covenant with the said Joseph LUTER… that I
> am
lawfully seized of said land, have a good right to convey it and that the
same is unincumbered.  I do further covenant and bind myself my heirs and
assigns to warrant and forever defend the title to the said land to the said
Joseph LUTER his heirs etc against myself heirs & and all in all every
person or persons whatever  In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand
& seal this Jany 3rd 1855
Starkey DAWES   David GREEN
State of Tennessee
Carroll County Personally appeared before me Wilbron H. GRAVES Carroll
County Clerk of the County Court of said County.
Starkey DAWS & David GREEN Witnesses Subscribed acknowledged after being
first sworn depose and say they are well acquainted with J. G. RUFF who
acknowledged that he signed the within Deed for the purposes therein
contained and on the day it bears date
Witness my hand at office This Feby 5th  1855 W. H. GRAVES Clk
Came to hand 5 O'clock P. M. Feby 6th 1855 B. F. HARRISON Reg.
Submitted by Larry Gray Ruff




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