Transcription of Records of Popular Springs Church and School 1885-1910

In 1885 the residents of the Poplar Springs community determined to build a building that could be used for both a school and a church. Some of the people who contributed money, land and labor were not members of the church but were interested in having a school. The church records exist to 1966 when the church disbanded and the members moved to the Clarksburg Church of Christ.

Bedden ?, Nancy

baptized 1907

Bellen, C. A.

contributed church/school building 1885

Bennett, W(illiam). L.

worked on building and gave timber in 1885

Black, G. S.

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Black, Gran

member 1910

Black, James

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Black, Luie ?

member 1910

Brandon, H(arrison) S.

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Brandon, H. W.

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Brandon, Huron

member 1910

Brandon, J. A

solicitor, committee, trustee, member 1910

Brandon, J. A.

contributed/worked on building 1885

Brandon, Julie

member 1910

Brandon, Sally

gave timber for P. Springs building 1885

Brandon, W(illiam) B.

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Bridges, Dave

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Bridges, Jane? Joan?

member 1910

Bridges, Minnie

baptized 1907

Bridges, Osco

member 1910

Bridges, Tom

Trustee for Poplar Springs School

Bridges, Tom

member 1910

Bush, Ritchel

baptized 1907

Carlton, C(yrus) D.

contributed church/school building 1885

Carnal, Jo

member 1910

Carnal, Lee

member 1910

Carnal, Mattie (Scott)

member 1910

Carnal, Nora

member 1910

Carnal, R

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Carnal, R. P.

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Chambliss, A. (Allen?)

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Crider, George

land &worked on P. Springs. building 1885

Crider, M. H.


Crider, Milt


DeWhit, James

gave timber for P. Springs building 1885

Dunn, J. W (Bro)

preacher from Memphis, Tn 1910

Eskew, G. G.?

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Goodman, Jack

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Grogian, Joe (Grogan)

contributed 1885

Grogian, R(ice) R. (Grogan)

contributed, worked on building 1885

Gross, A. M(arian)

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Gross, L(emie) A.

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Hall & Jamison, Co

contributed church/school building 1885

Hampton, Thomas

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Hardy, Ida

member 1910

Hardy, Thomas

member 1910

Hilliard, S(ebern) J.

contributed church/school building 1885

Holladay, G(eorge) W.

contributed church/school building 1885

Holland, J. L. (Bro)

Greenfield preacher

Hood, W. A.

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Johnson, William

contributed church/school building 1885

Joyner, Elen

member 1910

Joyner, J. A.

member 1910

Joyner, Lonzo (Alonzo)

contributed church/school building 1885

Joyner, Martha Mrs.

contributed church/school building 1885

Joyners Boys

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Kerby, H. C.

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Laws, Algie

member 1910

Laws, Bob

member 1910

Laws, D(udley) S.

contributed church/school building 1885

Laws, Emma

member 1910

Laws, Gophie

member 1910

Laws, John

member 1910


worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Lemons, Arch(ibald)

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Lemons, M. F.

contributed church/school building 1885

Lifsey, James

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Lorance, J. G.

contributed church/school building 1885

Meals, L. M.

contributed church/school building 1885

Meritt, Sulie

member 1910

Merritt, Minnie

baptised 1907, member 1910

Pate, Tom

member 1910

Pearson, William

contributed church/school building 1885

Philips, Granville

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Philips, Ruphus

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Philips, Sisro

member 1910

Pritchard, J. G.

contributed church/school building 1885

Rhoads, J. C. C.

committee, worked on building in 1885

Rigsby, Lillie

member 1910

Rigsby, Ora

member 1910

Rigsby, Ros

member 1910

Roark, Ader

member 1910

Roark, Dud

member 1910

Roark, E. G(ray)

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Roark, Florence

member 1910

Roark, H. M(arian)

contributed/worked on the building 1885

Roark, Hairet

member 1910

Roark, J. C.

member 1910

Roark, Mairon

member 1910

Roark, Ruby

member 1910

Roark, S. E.

member 1910

Roark, Sallie

member 1910

Roark, Sarah

member 1910

Roark, T. A.

contributed church/school building 1885

Roark, W(illiam) C(arroll)

member 1910, contributed building 1885

Roark, W(illie) D.

secretary, committee, trustee, member 1910

Roark, Willie D.

contributed/worked on building in 1885

Scott, (William) Monroe

member 1910, went to Williams Chapel

Scott, (Clarance) Elihue

bapt Aug 1907, member 1910, to Wms Ch

Scott, Abner (Taylor)

member 1910, worked on building in 1885

Scott, Callie

member 1910

Scott, Durotha (Mrs. H. C.)

member 1910

Scott, Early

member 1910

Scott, Eliz (Mrs. Abner)

member 1910

Scott, Fannie

member 1910

Scott, G. B. (Greenberry?)

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Scott, H(arrison) B.

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Scott, H(enry). C(lay)

member 1910,worked on building in 1885

Scott, Henry

member 1910, Trustee P. Springs School

Scott, Louther

baptized 1907

Sellers, J. M.

contributed church/school building 1885

Sellers, J. W.

contributed church/school building 1885

Sellers, Jobe ?

member 1910

Sellers, Mattie

member 1910

Sellers, Ruby

baptized 1907, member list 1910

Sellers, W. B.

contributed church/school building 1885

Sellers, William

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Seuws ?, Bob

baptized 1907

Simpson, E. H(arlan?)

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Simpson, H. H. (Wm H. H.)

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Simpson, Henry

Trustee for Poplar Springs School

Simpson, Jocie

member 1910

Simpson, May

member 1910

Simpson, Priest

member 1910

Simpson, Tilda

member 1910

Simpson, W. H. H.

member 1910

Simpson, William

land, contributed/worked on building 1885

Smith, James

contributed church/school building 1885

Smith, W. J.

contributed church/school building 1885

Springer, Clemma

member 1910

Springer, Henry

member 1910

Springer, Hose

committee, trustee, contributor, worked '85

Springer, J. M.

committee, worked on building 1885

Springer, James

gave timber for P. Springs building 1885

Springer, James M


Springer, Lelar

member 1910

Springer, Lissie

member 1910

Springer, M. T.

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Springer, Nan

member 1910

Springer, R(ennie) B.

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Springer, Thomas

Chairman, committee, trustee, moved, work

Springer, Thos

contributed church/school building 1885

Springer, Ula

member 1910

Springer, Uley

baptized 1907

Tosh, Alvin

member 1910, worked onbuilding in 1885

Tosh, E. E.

contributed church/school building 1885

Tosh, Franky Mrs.

contributed church/school building 1885

Tosh, H(oward) A. (Poni)

member 1910,worked on building in 1885

Tosh, J. Alin (Allen)

contributed church/school building 1885

Tosh, J. Alvin

worked & contributed1885, member 1910

Tosh, Rebecah Mrs. H. A.

member 1910

Tosh, S. P.

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Tucker, A. C.

contributed church/school building 1885

Tucker, A. R.

solicitor, committee, land, contributor

Tucker, A. S.

contributed/worked on building 1885

Tucker, B. A.

contributed church/school building 1885

Tucker, H. R.

worked/gave timber on building in 1885

Tucker, Ida

member 1910

Tucker, Isaac J.

contributed church/school building 1885

Tucker, J. H.

contributed church/school building 1885

Tucker, Manerva

member 1910

Tucker, S. E

solicitor, committee, contributor, worked

Vinson, Murtle

member 1910

Walls, John G?

contributed church/school building 1885

Whitehorn, Berry

contributed church/school building 1885

Wiles, Bill

member 1910

Williamson, W. H.

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

Willson, Davy

baptized 1907

Willson, M. L.

worked on the P. Springs. building in 1885

York, Lizzie

member 1910
