
This church was located in the 24th (old 13th) district. It was started by members of the Roan’s Creek Church of Christ and existed from 1879-1982. The old building still stands. The index below is only for those on the old roll book which listed members from 1879-1903. Newt Abernathy, the clerk after 1903, added comments to the names in later years. A photocopy of the records with index for all the members is in the Gorden Browning Library in McKenzie and should be consulted for accuracy and further information. Information within [] has been added by the indexer.

Bates, Margaret

Bedwell, Ludie

Belew, Charlie

Belew, Mattie, left the church, was married to a Mr. Brandon

Belew, Tommie,

Blakely, J. P.

Brandon, Leona

Brandon, Mattie [formerly Belew]

Bridges, J

Brown, Addie

Brown, Hattie

Brown, M. J.

Butler, Elbert G., $4.35 to building fund 1910, elder, d. 9/19/1929

Butler, Willie, [Mrs. E. G. nee Hughey], d. 5/23/1917

Carnall, Etta

Carnall, James M

Carnall, John

Carnall, Manerva

Carnall, Mollie, was married to Kirg Pruett

Carnall, Riley

Carnall, Sarah A.

Cawthorn, Cadoliah, was married to Homer Bryant and removed, d. 1/16/1910

Cawthorn, Frances, d. 2/16/1925 [Mrs. J. W. Cawthon]

Cawthorn, Vada, was married to Zeke Hilliard [Mrs. Ezekiel Hilliard]

Cawthorn, Zuela, [m. Wms]

Chambers, Missouri went to the Baptists [Mrs. Jn Chambers]

Clark, Erin

Crider, B. H.

Crider, J. D. C., died in the fall of 1916

Crider, Martha, died in 1918

Crider, Mary L,

Crider, R. H., was restored Aug 1903

Crider, W[innie]. J. [Mrs. J. D. C.]

Dalton, Frances, [nee Johnson] died several years ago 1911

Dalton, Joe

Dalton, John M.

Dalton, Martha

Dodson, Josie Ann

Duke, Elsie

Greniway, M. E.

Hall, E[lsa] B[eana], [nee Crider, Mrs. J. C. Hall]

Hall, J[ohn] C[olumbus]

Hall, Onis

Hall, R[ichard] W.

Hart, Elizabeth

Hart, John

Hilliard, Emma, [nee Tucker, Mrs. P. E. Hilliard]

Hilliard, J. A.

Hilliard, James

Hilliard, Joe

Hilliard, Martha, was married to Bill jamison. died June 1904

Hilliard, Mrs. Donie

Hilliard, Mrs. S[ebron] J.

Hilliard, Priestly E. died July 7, 1918

Hilliard, S[ebron] J.

Hilliard, Tommie

Hilliard, W[illiam] J[ackson]

Holladay, Dud, baptized in 1907

Holladay, E[milene] M., [Mrs. Steven C Holladay nee Crider]

Holladay, G. M.

Holladay, Lena, went to the Missionary Baptists

Holladay, Leona, baptized in 1907

Holladay, Lutha, baptized in 1900, [Mrs. W. Virgil Orr]

Holladay, L[ucindy] E., [Mrs. Martin L. Holladay]

Holladay, M. C., moved to Indian Territory several years ago (1907), d. 1908

Holladay, Martin L., elder, died Dec 9, 1923

Holladay, Mrs. S. L., [Nancy or Helen, Mrs. Steven Lee Holladay]

Holladay, Peora A., [Mrs. Alex Johnson]

Holladay, S. H.,

Holladay, S[teven]. L[ee].

Holladay, Verona

Holmes, Henry

Huey, Itha, went to the Missionary Baptists

Huey, M. F., was married to George ?

Jamison, E[valine] B[ell], [Mrs. Arden Taylor Jamison]

Jamison, Ida, baptized in 1917, [Mrs. Joseph Henry McCall]

Jamison, Lulu, was married to Sid Walker, [Mrs. Sidney Johnson Walker]

Jamison, Mary

Jamison, Nicola, [Mrs. Richard W Hall]

Johnson, G[eorge] W., commended in 1910

Johnson, James, was restored Aug 1902

Johnson, Martha, Mrs. died 3/6/1920

Johnson, Mary, married John Collins, [Mrs. John Collins]

Johnson, Nettie. [nee Holladay, Mrs. Alex Johnson]

Johnson, Telitha, was married to Milton Brandon, [Mrs. Milton Brandon]

Joyner, Adaline

Joyner, Josie, died Sept 16, 1903

King, Will

Kirk, N[ewton] G., went to the Missionary Baptists

Laws, Ludinda, [Mrs. Sebern J. Belew]

Leonard, M. J.,

Lifsey, Adolphus

Lifsey, Alonzo

Lifsey, Caroline, [nee Tucker, Mrs. John B. Lifsey]

Lifsey, Ida, was married to Sebe Scott, [Mrs. Sebe Scott]

Lifsey, J. E.

Lifsey, James

Lifsey, John B

Lifsey, John Jr

Lifsey, Ludie, [nee Petty, Mrs. Sidney W Lifsey]

Lifsey, Martha E

Lifsey, Mary E.

Lifsey, Mary F.

Lifsey, Neattie

Lifsey, Susan E.

Lifsey, Susan F.

Lifsey, S[idney] W., he and his family moved to Huntingdon Tenn in 1910, elder

Lifsey, Thomas R.

Lifsey, Tolbert

Lifsey, W. D.

Lowrance, A. J.

Lowrance, Demas

Lowrance, Jane, [Mrs. Haywood Lowrance]

Lowrance, King

Lowrance, Ras

Lowrance, T.

Mitchell, Nancy Ellen married James Ozro Gooch

Mitchel, Mary J.(Molly), was married to Dr. Walter Grady Compton and left the church

Mitchell, Joseph R., died Dec. 20, 1904

Mitchell, L. F[rances], [Mrs. Joseph R. Mitchell]
(Both Nancy Ellen and Mary J. Mitchell are daughters of Joseph R. and Lydia Frances Mitchell)

Neal, Donie

Neely, Henry

Oatvall, Jessie

Oatvall, Willie, went to the Missionary Baptists

Orr, Candley

Orr, Flosie

Owen, Allen

Owen, John

Owen, Mary

Owen, N. A.

Owen, S. A.

Owen, Thomas

Palmer, Sudie

Palmer, Tommie, 1890

Palmer, W[illiam] A[lbert], gave $3 to building fund, died Sept 1911

Parish, Ludie, was married to Milton Joyner, [Mrs. Milton Joyner]

Parker, Ethel, was married to Sid Williams, they removed by letter.

Phillips, Bessie, was married to Joe Bates, [Mrs. Joe Bates]

Phillips, Effie, baptized Aug 1906, was married to John Bridges Aug 6, 1911

Phillips, G. E., deacon in 1879

Phillips, G[eorge] R[ufus], died June 19, 1901

Phillips, Margaret, Aunt Peggy Phillips died on Dec 18, 1918, [nee Tosh]

Phillips, Nicola, was married to W. J. Bates, [Mrs. Wm Jesse Bates]

Phillips, Sophia, withdrew from the church of her own accord

Pinckley, Margaret

Pinkley, Erdie

Pinkley, E[lizabeth] C.

Pinkley, J. J.

Pinkley, R[ichard]. K. Mr.

Pritchard, Avis, was married to Bud Gooch, moved to Senath, Mo, granted letter

Roark, Bettie, was married to Henry Laycook, [Mrs. Henry Layfayette Laycook]

Roark, Caleb

Roark, Mary [Rebecca], baptized 1894, died April 7, 1926, [nee Bridges]

Roark, T[homas] A[lvin], worked a half day on the building

Roark, T[homas]. D[udley], baptized 1897

Ross, Minnie

Rosser, D

Rosser, Fannie

Rosser, Naomie

Rutherford, A. E.

Rutherford, Bob

Scott, Emma, was married to Bill Smith, [Mrs. William Smith]

Scott, Ethel Miss

Scott, James

Scott, Mrs. James

Scott, Nancy Jane

Sellars, Kate

Sellers, M. C.

Sheffield, John A., given letter

Simpson, E. T.

Simpson, Leona

Simpson, Odie, married Bourbon Joyner Jan 28, 1906 [Mrs. Bourbon Joiner]

Simpson, R. Bob Simpson joined the Baptists 1908

Smith, Anna, Jake Smith and wife Anna moved to Humbolt, Tenn 1907

Smith, Jake, moved to Humbolt, Tenn 1907

Smith, James, died August 19, 1907

Smith, Martha A., died April 189_

Smith, Maud, was married to Homer Pritchard

Smith, Sarah, was married to J. F. Wilson, they transferred to Clarksburg 1917

Smith, W. J.

Springer, J.

Springer, S[usan] J., [Mrs. Wm P Springer, nee Scott]

Springer, W[illiam] P.

Steele, [Elbert]Wallace, was married to Vida Tucker, died

Taylor, Emma, residence Huntingdon

Taylor, Joe, was restored, given letter, now Aug 1903, living worldly

Taylor, Mary

Tosh, Emma, was married to Will Phillips 1/28/1906, joined Primative Baptists

Tosh, Larcena Miss

Tosh, Minnie, [Mrs. Wm Ferdinand Tosh, nee Holladay]

Tosh, W[m]. F[erdinand], wandered off but was restored

Tucker, A[lexander] E or C.

Tucker, Emma, was married to Wallace Steele

Tucker, Haywood

Tucker, Martha B., died July 21, 1906, [Mrs. Alexander C Tucker nee Palmer]

Tucker, Media

Tucker, Minnie, was married to Gus Carlton, [Mrs. Gus Carlton]

Tucker, Naoma, [Mrs. Joseph H. Tucker, nee Johnson]

Tucker, P. W.

Tucker, Victoria, [Mrs. Haywood Tucker, nee Shankle]

Tucker, Vida, was married to Wallace Steele

Utley, Elmer, died December 7, 1915

Wall, Mrs. Mary

Williams, Angeline, [Mrs. Samuel F Williams, nee Tucker]

Williams, Billie Jr

Williams, Cadola

Williams, C[aladonia] Isabelle, [Mrs. Lorenzo F. Williams]

Williams, Ella, [Mrs. Percy Alexander Tucker]

Williams, Emma, [Mrs. W. A. Williams, nee Tosh]

Williams, Hugh

Williams, Lee

Williams, Levie, was married to John Wall, [Mrs. Johnny Wall]

Williams, Lizzie, was married to James Petty and went to the Missionary Baptist

Williams, L[orenzo] F., died June 24, 1899

Williams, Madge or May, was married to Charley Kee. They separated April 18__.

Williams, Sam

Williams, Sidney, was married to Ethel Parker. They removed by letter.

Williams, Tommie, was living out of fellowship July 1914, restored fall 1915

Williams, W[illiam] A.

Wilson, J. F., he and his wife transferred to Clarksburg in 1917

Wilson, L[ewis] A., elder

Wilson, Minnie Miss

Wilson, R. E.

Wilson, Robert, gone to Louisiana

Wilson, Rosa, [Mrs. Lewis Wilson]

Wilson, Sarah, [nee Smith]

Wilson, Thomas, T. L. and Hazel united with the church at Clarksburg

Wilson, W. E.