McAuley Family Cemetery

Old Maple Creek Community

This cemetery is located on the rear of Wendell Cary’s farm between Westport and Yuma. It is beside an old original road that could possibly have been the old Buena Vista – Brodie’s Ferry Road or one of its connectors. The cemetery is on the right of the old roadbed as one is going south. It is on the western ridge above Maple Creek, almost due west of the site the old town. Mt. Comfort Cemetery is on the adjacent ridge east of Maple Creek. The creek flows in a northerly direction to the Big Sandy River. There is no access to the cemetery except through private property. There are five marked graves here, three with marble markers and two marked with sand rocks. There are several depressed areas in the ground indicating that there are other unmarked graves. This record was made on July 3, 2000.

Fairview, TN


McAULEY, C. J. 8/29/1819 – 9/11/1853.

McAULEY, E. C. 6/10/1826 – 10/10/1826

McAULEY, J. C. 7/1/1842 – 1/6/1864 Son of J. B. McAULEY