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           37th Congress, House of Representatives,
Report No. 46

Alvin Hawkins, February 29, 1863-ordered to be
printed Mr. Dawes , from the Committee of Elections, made
the following REPORT

The Committee of Elections, to whom were referred
the credentials of Mr. Alvin Hawkins, claiming to
have been elected a Representative from the 9th
congressional district in Tennessee submit the following

The ninth congressional district in Tennessee is composed
of the following counties, viz: Carroll, Dyer, Gibson,
Henderson, Henry, Lauderdale, Obion, Tipton, and Weakley,
nine in number. This election was held on the 29th of
December 1863 pursuant to writs of election issued by
Andrew Johnson, military governor of Tennessee----
Huntingdon, Tennessee, February 2, 1863
I do certify that I opened and held an election in
the county of Carroll, Tennessee on December 29, 1862
for the purpose of electing a representative to the
Congress of the United States from the ninth congressional
district of Tennessee and that Alvin Hawkins received six
hundred forty seven votes and W.W. Freeman received two votes.
I further certify that I opened and held an election in the
county of Carroll, Tennessee on the 20th of January, 1863
for the purpose of electing a representative to the congress
of the United States from the ninth congressional district
and that Alvin Hawkins received three hundred and sixty-four
votes and W.W. Freeman received three votes.
I further certify that on the 29th of December, 1862 Brigadier
General N.B. Forrest with his cavalry force of confederates and
Brigadier General J.C. Sullivan, with his federal force were
both in the county of Carroll, Tennessee, which prevented the
people from assembling and exercising the elective franchise
on that day. Had it not been for the presence of the two armies
in our midst there would have been three-fourths of a full vote
polled in said county.
I further state that General S.A. Hurlburt's order postponing
the election until the 20th of January 1863 which was, by a
portion of our people , construed to embrace the ninth
congressional district, whilst another portion believed it
did not, is the reason why polls were opened that day, also
the reason why there was no more votes polled on that day.
John Norwood
Sheriff of Carroll County, Tennessee
                                                    submitted by