Gibson County
Past & Present
History Book

This hardbound, 6 X 9, 583-page book is a re-print of the 1961 history book published through the Gibson County Historical Society and writ-ten by Frederick M. Culp & the History Depart­ment of Trenton Schools. This was the first gen­eral history since the birth of the county in 1823 and is a priceless permanent record that takes the reader on a journey from the earliest days of Gibson County, allowing them to experience the rich heritage and cultural events that shaped lives of modern day Gibson County. This treasured volume is a resource for generations to come. Quantities are limited, so get your copy today!

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The Gordon Browning Museum & Genealogical Library
640 North Main Street
McKenzie, TN 38201

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Gibson County TN Genealogy & History
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