Settlement of J.C. Rogers Estate
October 5, 1914
Received from
S.S. Carter the following documents deeds etc., belonging to the
estate of J.C. Rogers deceased to wit: Deed from J.D. O'Kelley to
J.C. Rogers to part of lot number 23 in the first Dist., of White
County, Deed from Jas. K. Thompson to Taylor Armour, deed from J.C.
Quillian et al to J.C. Rogers, deed from R.T. Kennimer to Jno. D.
O'Kelley, deed from Taylor Armour to J.C. Rogers, deed from Stephen
Cantrell to Starling B. Cantrell, deed from Young J. Harrington to
Jas. K. Thompson, deed from Sheriff of Hall County to Mary Law, deed
from Stephen Cantrell to S.B. amd A.W. Cantrell ADMR., to B.S.
Cantrell and Stephen Cantrell, deed from Wm. Edge to Jane William,
deed from Mary Law executor Etc. to William Rogers, deed from A.F.
Underwood and Harris Cantrell to Jno. Harrington, deed from Jno.
Grizzle to Ambrose Christopher, deed from Gabrial L. Parks, to Thos.
Weems, deed from T.L. Garmon to J.C. Rogers.
Copies of five
deeds together with statement of the clerk of the Superior Court of
Hall County attached to said copies of deeds dated May 1st, 1914 and
made to S.S. Carter of Lula, Georgia. Also one plat and grant to lot
number 23 in the 1st Dist., of the County of Habersham, also the
following notes: One note dated Apr., 30, 1914, due on or before the
1st day of Oct., 1914 payable to S.S. Carter, Guardian for J.C.
Rogers for the principle sum of $9.30 and signed by Betty Adams,
also dated May 8, 1914 due on or before Nov., 1st., 1914, payable to
S.S. Carter, Guardian for J.C. Rogers for the principal sum of
$50.00 and signed by Hester Carter, also note dated the 4th and
30th, 1914, payable on or by the 1st. day of Oct. 1914, to S.S.
Carter, Guardian for J.C. Rogers for the principal sum of $30.00 and
signed by S.L. Rogers, also note dated May 21, 1914, payable on or
before the 1st day of Nov.,1914 to S.S. Carter, Guardian for J.C.
Rogers for the principal sum of $1.00 and signed by S.L. Rogers,
also note dated May 6, 1914 due Nov. 1st payable to S.S. Carter,
Guardian for J.C. Rogers, for the principal sum of $30.00 and signed
by S.L. Rogers, also note dated Jan., 18, 1911, due twelve Mos.
after date for the principal sum of $1,000.00 and signed by J.A.
O'Kelley and G.H. O'Kelley with the following credits; interest
Settled to Jan. 18, 1912, interest settled to Jan., 18, 1915." also
note dated Feb.3, 1914 due Dec. 25, 1914, payable to J.C. Rogers for
the principal sum of $500.00 and signed by J.A. O'Kelley and G.H.
O'Kelley, with the following credits: "interest settled to Jan. 5,
1912, $200.00, Jan. 5, 1915, $100.00 Jan. 22, 1914." Also Bank pass
book showing a balance of $710.71 to the credit of S.S. Carter as
Guardian of J.C. Rogers in the Bank of Lula, Ga. Also one pocket or
bill book. This the 5th day of October, 1914
S.B. Rogers
(hand signed)
S.L. Rogers
(hand signed)
Transcribed by:
GreatGrandDaughter of J.C. Rogers
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