
Rufus W. Gilstrap Will
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State of Georgia 
White County     |   In the name of God, Amen.  I Rufus W. Gilstrap, of said state and county, knowing it is appointed for all men once to die, deem it right and proper as regards myself and family that I should make a disposition of the property with which a kind providence has blessed me.  I therefore make this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and annulling all others heretofore made by me.  


Item First:  I desire and direct that my body be buried in a decent and Christian like manner suitable to my circumstances and condition.  My sole I trust shall return at rest with God who gave it, as I  hope for eternal salvation through the Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Item 2 Second:  I desire and direct that all my just debts be paid without delay by my executor, hereinafter made as I am unwilling my creditors be delayed of their rights – especially as there is no necessity for delay. 


Item Third:  I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Lettica during her life time the Home place consisting of all that tracts and parcel of land known as part of Lot of Land number (28) Twenty-eight and also part of Land Number (45) forty-five being the North part of said lot joining lot No 28 and bounded on the South side by a conditional line beginning on the east side on the public road leading from Hensley Paynes to the Camp Ground at a rock corner, thence along the fence on the south side of the open field, thence along the cross fence leading rather southwest across the bottom.  Thence to the corner of the swamp thence west the original line to O’Kelly’s corner. Both parcels of land being in the second district of originally Habersham, now White county, for her to have the use of so long as she lives, and at her death to belong to my Grandson, Milton H. Gilstrap.  The following property and effects I give and bequeth to my wife Letticia to do with and dispose of as she wishes,  all the property owned by her at our marriage, the largest trunk, and bed stead, lace, and clothes for it.  The largest chest, one cooking stove, and the clothing that belonged to my first wife in my possession. All of my __ and one loom, and one hundred and twenty five dollars for one year’s support for her after my death.  And I desire that she have all the land in the Camp Ground so long as she lives and at her death to belong to my Grandson Milton H. Gilstrap.  And I give her one table.


Item forth:  I give and bequeath to my beloved Grandson Milton H. Gilstrap, the remainder of my lands not heretofore mentioned, consisting of part of Lot of Land number (46) forty-six, known as the O’Kelly lot, part of Lot of Land number (45) forty-five, known as the Smith lot bounded on the north by the conditional line mentioned above as the southern boundary of the land given to my wife.  Those parcels of land on parts of lots being in the second district of originally Habersham, now White county.  I also give to my grandson the smallest trunk, the best bed stead, the smallest chest, and one __, and all of my lands I give and bequeath to my grandson at the death of my wife Letticia and also the land at the Camp Ground at her death.  I desire that all of my property not heretofore mentioned and disposed of to be sold by my Executor with out the intervention of any Court and without any appraisement on the part of at a sale.   And after taking out of such the one hundred twenty five dollars given to my wife for her year’s support the proceeds then to equally divide between my wife Letticia and grandson Milton H. Gilstrap.  I also desire and direct that my money and notes be equally divided between my wife and grandson Milton H. Gilstrap.  I desire that my wife have absolute control of all given her by me except the land. Once and hereby appoint Calvin H. Kytle as my Executor  to this my last will and testament.  In witness my     the said Rufus W. Gilstrap  To this my last will consisting of the three foregoing pages of paper I have set my hand and seal this 31st day of March 1879.                                                                                                           

Rufus W. Gilstrap



Signed, sealed and published and declared by the said Rufus W. Gilstrap as his last will and testament in presence of us who have in his presence once at his special request he gives the same as witnesses once in the presence of each other.

W. C. Cantrell

W. R. Sargent

G. W. Fields



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