
James Colley Will 1864
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Page 75
White Co. Georgia

In the name of God. Amen

I, James Colley, of the County of White and State of Georgia, being of sound mind and
memory and being desirious to settle my worldly affairs while I have strength to do so do
make and publish this My last will and testament hereby revoking all wills by me at my
time heretofore made and first, I commit my soul to God, who gave it and my body. I desire
to be buried in the Family Burial Ground by the side of my first wife in said County and
my worldly state I dispose of as follows:

First I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Izorah Levage Colley all my home place that I
now live on, it being Number 117 and bounded as follows: Commencing @ White Oak near J.C.
Allen's thence East @ Conditional line to @ white oake corner near the river, thence down
the river to the original line, Hence around the original line to the beginning corner
containing one hundred and eighty seven acres 187 acres more or less and all my personal
property that I am now possessed of in any way having heretofore given to my other
children as much as I have Izorah.

I wish my trusty friend, Isaac Oakes to be my executor to see that this my last will is
carried out according to the provisions herein contained, in witnesss whereof I, James
Colley, to this my last will have set my hand and seal. This the 17rh day of December 1864
X (James Colley's mark)

Signed , sealed and published by the above James Colley as his last will and testament in
the presence of us when at his request and in presence of each other have inscribed our
names as witnesses: 
John C. Allen
James Allen
James Black

Before me came J.C. Allen named as a witness to the within and attached writing purporting
to be James Colley's last will and being duly sworn saith that he with James Allen and
James Black at the request of James Colley and in his presence did attest as witnesses the
within and attached writing as his, James Colley's will that the same was signed and
published by James Colley in their presence as his last will , that he was at the time of
said attestation & signing by himself of sound and _____ mind and memory that he executed the same within paper, voluntarily subscribed and sworn to before me This March 2, 1885.
Isaac Oakes John C. Allen

James Colley

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