Albert Jackson Pension
Submitted by
Jackson, Albert
Co. K, 24 Georgia Infantry
Card Number 52177999
Confederate Statement of Service Reference Slip
Ga Com Pens
Albert Jackson
Pvt. Co. K 24 GA Inf
Stmt made from register of claims & Archives Div Enl. & C
Date of Enl. May 7/62, and died at Richmond, VA on June 15/62 from
the accidental
discharge of the Gun of a fellow Soldier. Rus. Widow filed a claim
for pay & C.
Mary D. Jackson
11/20/18 Williamson
11:55 pr ATG
Noted JF
3:22 JED
Albert Jackson
Pvt Co. K 24 Reg
Name appears on a Register of Claims of Deceased Officers and
Soldiers from Georgia which were filed for settlement in the Office
of the Confederate States Auditor for the War
By whom presented: Mary D. Jackson Wid.
When Filed: May 26, 1863
Where born:
Where died: Richmond.
Confed. Arch. Chap. 10, File No. 31, page 54
HW. HS. Taylor
Richmond, Va.
2nd Aud.
May 24, 1863
I have the honor to send you the claim of Mrs. Mary D. Jackson for
dues of her dec'd
husband Albert Jackson, Co. K 25th Geo. Regr. You will please send
me the certificate when
Very Respectfully
Your _______
T. Allan
Mrs. Mary D. Jackson
Widow of
Albert Jackson
Co. K. 24th Geo. Vols.
Send Certificate to T. Allan
Richmond, Va.
Habersham County on this 15 day of May 1863 before the undersigned a
justice of the
peace in and for said county personally came Mary D. Jackson who
being duly sworn says
that she is the widow of Albert Jackson deceased who was late a
private in the Company
Commanded by Captain Porter (K) in the 24the Regiment of Georgia
Volunteers Commanded by Colonel McMillan in the service of the
Confederate States in the war with the United
States. That the said Albert Jackson volunteered at Clarkesville on
or about the Seventh
day of May 1862 and was mustered into said service at Richmond on or
about the Twentieth
day of May 1862 and continued in said service until on or about the
15th day of June 1862
when he died at Richmond, VA from a wound rec'd by the accidental
discharge of the gun of
a fellow Soldier. She makes this declaration for the purpose of
obtaining what may be due
to her as the widow of said dec'd either as monthly pay, bounty or
other dues and she
hereby appoints Thompson Allan, of Richmond, Va. Her true and lawful
agent and attorney in
fact to collect and receive the same from the auditor or other
offices of the Confederate
Mary D. Jackson
Sworn to and subscribed before me the day & year first aforesaid.
Elnathan Davis, J.P.
Also at the same time and place before me a justice of the peace as
aforesaid personally
came Green Trotter to me well known and whom I certify to be a
person of veracity and
credibility who being duly sworn says that he is personally
acquainted with Mary D.
Jackson the claimant and also knew for six years Albert Jackson the
deceased soldier above
named and that the statement on oath made by the claimant as to her
relationship to said
dec'd soldier is true and correct in every particular to the best of
his knowledge and
belief and that the said Green Trotter is not interested in this
case. Sworn to and
subscribed before me the day and year first aforesaid. Green Trotter
Elnathan Davis, J.P.
Habersham County
I William S. Ervin, Clerk of the ordinary court and for said county
do certify that
Elnathan Davis before whom the forgoing declaration and affiant were
taken & made __ at
the date thereof a justice of the peace in and for the said county
and commissioned and
licensed and that full faith and credit are due to all his acts as
such and that his
signatures aforesaid appear to be genuine.
Witness my hand and seal of office
This Sixteenth day of May 1863
Wm. S____________ Clerk
Habersham Co. GA.
Albert Jackson
Pr. Porters Co. K
24 Ga.
Mary D. Jackson, wid
May 26, 1863
Ack'd June 17, 1863
Wrote for reports Nov. 18, 1863
Adjutant and Inspector General's Office
Richmond ,Va.
Mar. 16th 1864
It appears from the Muster Roll of Capt. Porter's Company (K) of the
24th Regiment Geo.
Volunteers, on file in this office, that Albert P. Jackson, priv. of
his Company was
enlisted for the war 7th May 1862 and death not reported.
Saml. W. Mellon
Major & A. A. G.
June 18, 1864
Alfred Jackson's name did not appear on rolls of Co. K 24 Ga. Regt.
Albert P. Jackson does.
John W. B___
J. N. G. O.
Jul 20/64
No rolls of this reg. in this office prior to May 1863
T. Burg.
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